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Torque 3D

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This is for work blog posts from DEVGRU, though would mainly be from JeffR.
Update threads would cover what development and news is going on with the active development of the engine.

Entries in this blog

First update of 2025!

Greetings and salutations! It’s been a hot minute and a half since the last workblerg, admittedly in part because it’s a lot easier to just keep working on stuff rather than stopping to type a bunch about working on stuff, but ultimately a lot of people get a high-level sense of progress on the engine from these so really, I should keep up on them more. Not everyone is constantly hoovering up all the information in the various discord channels, after all. So, given that, there’s a lot to g


JeffR in Work Blog

End of March-ish Workblog 2023

Hey Everyone! Given that the rapid-fire releases have waned and we’re back to working on the primary feature release of 4.1, it’s good to get back onto regular work blogs. And so, to that end of things, here. We. goooooo.   4.1 Progress So how is 4.1 going? Getting there. As you know, we shifted the target for development of the engine for 4.1 from the ECS, to Editor/UI work. So how’s it going? Not bad, overall. Lots of foundational work’s been chipped at previously with work d


JeffR in Work Blog

Workblog Nov 2022

So, on today's installment of "random rambles about development things" But for real, it's a good time to do a new workblog and keep people in the loop for those not in the discord, or those that aren't spending every day in it   So, what's on the ol' discussion stuffs today?  Well, for the big one, the main Feature target for 4.1: Components.  Or, more specifically DOCs. What does DOCs mean? Well...  Directors, Objects, Components  You may have heard us discuss 'En


JeffR in Work Blog

Workblog - Aug 2021

Hey everyone! So, been a while since the last workblog, but the good news is, I didn’t quite threshold past the one year mark! So that’s… good. Anywho. Predictably there’s a frankly preposterous amount of stuff to go over so lets get getting and dig on in!   What’s new? A lot, as said. But for specifics, since the last workblog, we’ve rolled in over 150 pull requests. These range everything from bugfixes, library updates, QOL improvements and all the way up to converting pretty


JeffR in Standard blog

WorkBlog - October 2020

Mid-October workblog time! (Which should've been last month, but chasing down bugs like memleaks and straight up crashes before I wanted to post caused delays, so...whoops!) So, how's it going everyone? Time for fanciful development news. First, lets go over what all work has happened thus far since the last workblog: 76 pull requests merged in, which had over 164 changes which ranged from bugfixes, to improvements to additions. Notable examples include: Updating SDL to


JeffR in Work Blog

WorkBlog - July 2020, Part 2

Minor delay because I was feeling under the weather. Anyways! Part twooooo! Engine Work Predictably, a bunch of various improvement and fixes have gone in on the engine side of things. Various crash fixes, out of bounds fixes, etc. Beyond that, though some other nice stuff has happened. A big one was moving the asset importing logic up from the tools scripts into the engine. This was done for a few reasons. One was processing speed. The native C++ is obviously going to r


JeffR in Work Blog

WorkBlog - July 2020, Part 1

Hey boys and girls! After an... unintended hiatus from workblogs, I got off my butt and kicked things back off. Now, as you can see, with a separated forum for easier organization and allowing discussion to not over-shadow literally everything else.   So, what's been happening since the last workblog? Whole bunches of stuff, naturally. I just took a peruse through the repo(which you may recall from the community refresharoo thread, is now over at https://github.com/TorqueGame


JeffR in Work Blog

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