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Torque 3D

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This is for work blog posts from DEVGRU, though would mainly be from JeffR.
Update threads would cover what development and news is going on with the active development of the engine.

Entries in this blog

End of March-ish Workblog 2023

Hey Everyone! Given that the rapid-fire releases have waned and we’re back to working on the primary feature release of 4.1, it’s good to get back onto regular work blogs. And so, to that end of things, here. We. goooooo.   4.1 Progress So how is 4.1 going? Getting there. As you know, we shifted the target for development of the engine for 4.1 from the ECS, to Editor/UI work. So how’s it going? Not bad, overall. Lots of foundational work’s been chipped at previously with work d


JeffR in Work Blog

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