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Report A Bug of BaseGame Template


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Report A Bug of BaseGame Template

Today I tried to compile T3D with the BaseGame template, after i hit the “Launch World Editor” button, some errors occurred(see the pics attached).

From the info "Failed to open the include 'shaders/common/torque.hlsl' ", i think this is a path bug, may be the developers forgot to update the include file path in some shader files, casue the "torque.hlsl" is no longer in the "shaders/common" path but in the "shaders/" path in the BaseGame template. I've not located those files for now, hope that the developers will see this and fix the bug ASAP.

Not sure here is the right place to report a bug.

Thanks for read and reply.

UPDATE: Find some info in the console.log file

C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\GitHub\Torque3D\Engine\source\gfx\D3D11\gfxD3D11Shader.cpp(72,0): {Fatal-ISV} - Failed to open include 'shaders/common/torque.hlsl'.
failed to compile shader: C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\GitHub\Torque3D\My Projects\LearnT3DBaseGame\game\data\shaderCache\b524839793fade4e_V.hlsl(7,10): error X1507: failed to open source file: 'shaders/common/torque.hlsl'
C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\GitHub\Torque3D\Engine\source\gfx\D3D11\gfxD3D11Shader.cpp(950,0): {Fatal-ISV} - Unable to compile shader!
Failed to initialize material 'Grid_512_Grey'
[Material::mapMaterial] - Cannot map unnamed Material
C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\GitHub\Torque3D\Engine\source\gfx\D3D11\gfxD3D11Shader.cpp(72,0): {Fatal-ISV} - Failed to open include 'shaders/common/torque.hlsl'.
failed to compile shader: C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\GitHub\Torque3D\My Projects\LearnT3DBaseGame\game\data\shaderCache\efef832dc37c8755_V.hlsl(6,10): error X1507: failed to open source file: 'shaders/common/torque.hlsl'
C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\GitHub\Torque3D\Engine\source\gfx\D3D11\gfxD3D11Shader.cpp(950,0): {Fatal-ISV} - Unable to compile shader!
Failed to initialize material '(null)'
[Material::mapMaterial] - Cannot map unnamed Material
C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\GitHub\Torque3D\Engine\source\gfx\D3D11\gfxD3D11Shader.cpp(72,0): {Fatal-ISV} - Failed to open include 'shaders/common/torque.hlsl'.
failed to compile shader: C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\GitHub\Torque3D\My Projects\LearnT3DBaseGame\game\data\shaderCache\efef832dc37c8755_V.hlsl(6,10): error X1507: failed to open source file: 'shaders/common/torque.hlsl'
C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\GitHub\Torque3D\Engine\source\gfx\D3D11\gfxD3D11Shader.cpp(950,0): {Fatal-ISV} - Unable to compile shader!
Failed to initialize material '(null)'
C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\GitHub\Torque3D\Engine\source\gfx\D3D11\gfxD3D11Shader.cpp(72,0): {Fatal-ISV} - Failed to open include 'shaders/common/torque.hlsl'.
failed to compile shader: C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\GitHub\Torque3D\My Projects\LearnT3DBaseGame\game\data\shaderCache\a1a7a101cca9ce72_V.hlsl(6,10): error X1507: failed to open source file: 'shaders/common/torque.hlsl'


And the same problem occurs when i use OpenGL as the render. It turns out my guess may be wrong, the problem is not exist in some shader file but in this "Engine\source\gfx\D3D11\gfxD3D11Shader.cpp" file.


I did little more research, found the problem should be in "Engine\source\shaderGen\shaderGen.cpp". I noticed that in line 52 and line 129, there was a string "shaders/common" and a variable named smCommonShaderPath which should control where should the auto-generated shaders go:


line52: String ShaderGen::smCommonShaderPath("shaders/common");

line129: smCommonShaderPath = String(Con::getVariable("$Core::CommonShaderPath", "shaders/common"));


And the smCommonShaderPath should be able to change from the script, and i found it in game\core\main.cs:


line42: $Core::CommonShaderPath = "core/shaders";


But i just don't konw why this line does not take effect. The game\core\main.cs should be executed. I am confused now.



Edited by zyzz1995
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