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Where is everyone?

Jason Campbell

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Yeah, everyone looks to use the forums for talking about projects or getting issues resolved, rather than random discussions about stuff, so it can be a little slow sometimes. But we're constantly in the irc hanging out if you wanted some good-old fashion chumming around with the community action ;)

(Would also hazard that as we draw closer to the holiday's people's schedules tend to get crazier, as well)

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Godot has a lot going for it but 3.0 is still a ways out from being "production ready" in my opinion. In another 6-8 months I expect 3.0 will be stable enough to use and should be a viable alternative to Unity for 3D games.

I'm sticking with T3D, though. I like how 4.0 is shaping up - dropping DX9, (finally) pushing the entity component stuff, streamlining the templates, etc. are big steps forward.

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I'm still here, toiling alone off in the deep woods. Not leaving T3D anytime soon though, and hoping to have some cool videos to share shortly. Finally got a week off from day job to actually push the ball forward. Currently most involved in BadBehavior trees.

Been unusually rare here in recent months also due to a rather fun side track I just stepped back from, involving a Raspberry Pi and a bunch of MPU6050 accelerometer/gyroscope chips. (More on that later, but short story is I learned a lot, and made a lot of progress, but it doesn't work yet.)

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well i think i understand what may have been lacking is catering torque3d for its intended audience may be measured. I see and think about torque has been great especially considering the leap in whats expected to be 4.0. I only mean to say that there is much consideration in terms of what may be seen from where code meets the market and to be easily included into the game script and templating elsewhere, for instance what i liked about torque when i'd first purchased it was that it were 'good networking, complete game modding engine' with torquescript. I think you need to drive enthusiasm as for the community in showcasing its ability for content in said manors.

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I'm still here, toiling alone off in the deep woods. Not leaving T3D anytime soon though, and hoping to have some cool videos to share shortly. Finally got a week off from day job to actually push the ball forward. Currently most involved in BadBehavior trees.


Ah, very cool!

Been unusually rare here in recent months also due to a rather fun side track I just stepped back from, involving a Raspberry Pi and a bunch of MPU6050 accelerometer/gyroscope chips


Oh no, you fool! Rasberry Pi is a vortex of free time! ;)


well i think i understand what may have been lacking is catering torque3d for its intended audience may be measured. I see and think about torque has been great especially considering the leap in whats expected to be 4.0. I only mean to say that there is much consideration in terms of what may be seen from where code meets the market and to be easily included into the game script and templating elsewhere, for instance what i liked about torque when i'd first purchased it was that it were 'good networking, complete game modding engine' with torquescript. I think you need to drive enthusiasm as for the community in showcasing its ability for content in said manors.


This is true, for sure. As I've mentioned, the 'big' stuff for 4.0 will be in by years end with all the e/c stuff, the new asset pipeline, PBR. etc

At that point, I've a plot to get a proper demonstration of the engine put together, and other further examples, starter kits and stuff can for sure follow which makes it a LOT easier for people to see stuff and get excited :)

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