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So this is kind of ugly. The code jumps through hoops supporting custom entry scripts being passed in via commandline and what I assume is an older version of zip support (TORQUE_ENABLE_VFS) which isn't used anywhere else.


bool StandardMainLoop::handleCommandLine( S32 argc, const char **argv )
   // Allow the window manager to process command line inputs; this is
   // done to let web plugin functionality happen in a fairly transparent way.
   PlatformWindowManager::get()->processCmdLineArgs(argc, argv);
   Process::handleCommandLine( argc, argv );
   // Set up the command line args for the console scripts...
   Con::setIntVariable("Game::argc", argc);
   U32 i;
   for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
      Con::setVariable(avar("Game::argv%d", i), argv);
   if(argc > 2 && dStricmp(argv[1], "-project") == 0)
      char playerPath[1024];
      Platform::makeFullPathName(argv[2], playerPath, sizeof(playerPath));
      argv += 2;
      argc -= 2;
      // Re-locate the game:/ asset mount.
      Torque::FS::Unmount( "game" );
      Torque::FS::Mount( "game", Platform::FS::createNativeFS( playerPath ) );
   // Executes an entry script file. This is "main.cs"
   // by default, but any file name (with no whitespace
   // in it) may be run if it is specified as the first
   // command-line parameter. The script used, default
   // or otherwise, is not compiled and is loaded here
   // directly because the resource system restricts
   // access to the "root" directory.
   Zip::ZipArchive *vfs = openEmbeddedVFSArchive();
   bool useVFS = vfs != NULL;
   Stream *mainCsStream = NULL;
   // The working filestream.
   FileStream str; 
   const char *defaultScriptName = "main.cs";
   bool useDefaultScript = true;
   // Check if any command-line parameters were passed (the first is just the app name).
   if (argc > 1)
      // If so, check if the first parameter is a file to open.
      if ( (dStrcmp(argv[1], "") != 0 ) && (str.open(argv[1], Torque::FS::File::Read)) )
         // If it opens, we assume it is the script to run.
         useDefaultScript = false;
         useVFS = false;
         mainCsStream = &str;
   if (useDefaultScript)
      bool success = false;
         success = (mainCsStream = vfs->openFile(defaultScriptName, Zip::ZipArchive::Read)) != NULL;
         success = str.open(defaultScriptName, Torque::FS::File::Read);
#if defined( TORQUE_DEBUG ) && defined (TORQUE_TOOLS) && !defined(TORQUE_DEDICATED) && !defined( _XBOX )
      if (!success)
         OpenFileDialog ofd;
         FileDialogData &fdd = ofd.getData();
         fdd.mFilters = StringTable->insert("Main Entry Script (main.cs)|main.cs|");
         fdd.mTitle   = StringTable->insert("Locate Game Entry Script");
         // Get the user's selection
         if( !ofd.Execute() )
            return false;
         // Process and update CWD so we can run the selected main.cs
         S32 pathLen = dStrlen( fdd.mFile );
         FrameTemp szPathCopy( pathLen + 1);
         dStrcpy( szPathCopy, fdd.mFile );
         //forwardslash( szPathCopy );
         const char *path = dStrrchr(szPathCopy, '/');
            U32 len = path - (const char*)szPathCopy;
            szPathCopy[len+1] = 0;
            // Re-locate the game:/ asset mount.
            Torque::FS::Unmount( "game" );
            Torque::FS::Mount( "game", Platform::FS::createNativeFS( ( const char* ) szPathCopy ) );
            success = str.open(fdd.mFile, Torque::FS::File::Read);
               defaultScriptName = fdd.mFile;
      if( !success )
         char msg[1024];
         dSprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Failed to open \"%s\".", defaultScriptName);
         Platform::AlertOK("Error", msg);
         return false;
      if(! useVFS)
         mainCsStream = &str;
   // This should rarely happen, but lets deal with
   // it gracefully if it does.
   if ( mainCsStream == NULL )
      return false;
   U32 size = mainCsStream->getStreamSize();
   char *script = new char;
   mainCsStream->read(size, script);
   script = 0;
   char buffer[1024], *ptr;
   Platform::makeFullPathName(useDefaultScript ? defaultScriptName : argv[1], buffer, sizeof(buffer), Platform::getCurrentDirectory());
   ptr = dStrrchr(buffer, '/');
   if(ptr != NULL)
      *ptr = 0;
   //Con::evaluate(script, false, useDefaultScript ? defaultScriptName : argv[1]);
   delete[] script;
   return true;

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Thoughts on just replacing handleCommandLine() with something like:


bool StandardMainLoop::handleCommandLine( S32 argc, const char **argv )
   // Allow the window manager to process command line inputs; this is
   // done to let web plugin functionality happen in a fairly transparent way.
   PlatformWindowManager::get()->processCmdLineArgs(argc, argv);
   Process::handleCommandLine( argc, argv );
   // Set up the command line args for the console scripts...
   Con::setIntVariable("Game::argc", argc);
   U32 i;
   for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
      Con::setVariable(avar("Game::argv%d", i), argv);
   // Execute entry file if found, otherwise fail and exit the app.
   if (Platform::isFile("./main.cs") || Platform::isFile("./main.cs.dso"))
       const char *entryCmd = "exec(\"./main.cs\");";
       return true;
   return false;

This seems a lot cleaner to me and also allows main.cs to compile to a dso.

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