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PhysX 3.4


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Hey everyone,

I recently updated the physx code to handle physx 3.4, there is a pull request here . Unfortunately due to licensing restrictions we can't ship binaries with T3D for physx :cry: , so here is how to make it work with the above PR.

*Grab a copy of the PhysX source code: https://github.com/NVIDIAGameWorks/PhysX-3.4 . If you don't have access you must sign up here (it's totally free)

* Now we must compile PhysX (do note due to a bug with VS 2017, NVidia does not currently support it with physx, you must use VS 2015 (either 32 or 64bit)):

Navigate to /where_you_cloned_physx_repo/PhysX_3.4/Source/compiler and choose which compiler. Build both a debug and release build.

* Now we can build T3D with physx support,fire up cmake and select TORQUE_PHYSICS_PHYSX3. This will than need you to select the directory above where you cloned the physx source. You must select the root folder (not the PhysX_3.4 sub folder!)

* When you run the cmake install project it will copy the required files to your game directory.

* Happy physxing :mrgreen:

*Linux note: You must select a cmake build type(by default it is blank!), this is important as the file copy process will fail if you do not

I have tested it on Windows, Linux and MacOS. Obviously if there are any dramas just post it in here and i'll try and fix it. If my instructions above are not very good, just say so and i can make a youtube vid or something showing the process

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In VS2017 there is a way to install the VS2015 toolset, however, i'm not sure how to access this directly. I'm assuming there's VS 2015 developer command prompt to build manually. Maybe somebody with better command and knowledge of the VS toolset will be able to chip in with more details, this should at least save having to fully install VS2015.

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  • 4 months later...


Afaik yes, @JeffR has reported he couldn't get this PR working but after multiple attempts i have never been able to replicate the errors he was getting and it worked ok. If anyone else would like to give it a try that would certainly help.

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Afaik yes, @JeffR has reported he couldn't get this PR working but after multiple attempts i have never been able to replicate the errors he was getting and it worked ok. If anyone else would like to give it a try that would certainly help.


I spent the morning researching, I realized that both Nvidia and Visual Studio 2017 fixed some problems. I'm going to do some tests ... Remembering that it's good to use the latest version of VS 2017 and PhysX 3.4 SDK updated.

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Afaik yes, @JeffR has reported he couldn't get this PR working but after multiple attempts i have never been able to replicate the errors he was getting and it worked ok. If anyone else would like to give it a try that would certainly help.


I spent the morning researching, I realized that both Nvidia and Visual Studio 2017 fixed some problems. I'm going to do some tests ... Remembering that it's good to use the latest version of VS 2017 and PhysX 3.4 SDK updated.


I will say VS 2017 is untested as at the time of me doing the PR for this, physx 3.4 didn't support vs 2017 due to some compiler bugs.

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I will say VS 2017 is untested as at the time of me doing the PR for this, physx 3.4 didn't support vs 2017 due to some compiler bugs.


True, I did some testing and they did not work very well. I am a beginner in C ++ language. I can interpret a script, but I can not fix any errors. I still have a lot to learn. I'll get your tip and use the VS2015, thank you very much.

Excuse my English, I'm not native. :D

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  • 4 months later...

First of all: Great resource, I would have been lost without your vids and the info on this post.

secondly, I am having an error in game in which when I spawn a static shape via "new StaticShape()" the physics tab is removed from the world editor and my player won't be able to collide with the shape. I'd assume this is my physics engine crashing but I'm not very knowledgeable on debugging this kind of thing. where should I start?

edit: so i now understand that staticshapes won't have collision in physx. that's fine, ill just use tsstatics in their place.

why exactly does the physics drop down menu in the editor just dissapear sometimes?

Are there documents that outline the differences of stock torque physics and physx physics in reguards to raycasting, collision detection, etc..?

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