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FlightGear is back, and rendering to Blender.


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Well, it's been a little while, but the helicopters are back in the mix! What you're seeing is a Russian Ka50 attack helicopter, (model by Emmanuel Baranger), being piloted (if you can call it that) by yours truly in the FlightGear flight simulator, which exports a stream of UDP aircraft data packets that are read into Megamotion, preserved as a dsq sequence in Torque and then exported via XML into Blender for final rendering.

Rotor blades not included. Maybe next time.

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What, did somebody mention herding a crowd of virtual humans with a helicopter? In other news, pretty sure I'm going to hell.

EDIT: Btw, does anyone have any suggestions for increasing the update rate on the shadows? I would be very happy to devote a few more cycles to smooth moving shadows, given how sharp they are on everything but the time axis. I took a look around in the engine a few days ago but quickly got overwhelmed doing a Find in Files for "shadow". :-) Figured I should ask around here first. All the shapes you see casting shadows are PhysicsShapes.

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