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Forums updated and re-opened


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Update completed on 2018-04-18 (late Sunday evening for me):

Forums and backend updates have been completed without problems. Please let @TRON and/or @LukasPJ know if any forum issues show up by posting a report as a topic with the description of the problem within the Torque 3D website feedback subforum. Thanks.

Maintenance scheduled / Down time this upcoming weekend:

Forum maintenance scheduled for March Saturday 17th / Sunday 18th of this upcoming weekend. Forums will not be accessible as both forum and backend software will be undergoing upgrades. The exact time is not known as my personal schedule varies, but when I get the free time to do it this weekend is when I'll be performing the maintenance and software upgrades. So it could either be Saturday or Sunday. Once down it shouldn't take no more than three hours to upgrade all the backend stuff and gracefully merge in phpBB updates as to avoid breaking our current/default theme.

So this is a heads up to be aware of that when making rather large forum posts this weekend and try to submit when just as the system is switched to maintenance mode and it doesn't go through. ;)

I'll replace this global announcement with a new one indicating exactly when the maintenance will occur with at least two hours notice before hand.

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