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Exec Unable to Find File


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So this is actually happening in T2D to a one of my customers, but I figure the exec() functions should be the same for both or pretty close anyway. The problem is simply the very first script to get executed is not found. The path is:

D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Bootstrap/1/boot.cs

We have confirmed that the .dso counter part is in this location. Is there anything that would stop a file (or maybe all files) from being executed? This might be my first user to have the game loaded on the D drive. Is there any settings on a drive that might cause this to break? Any ideas would help.


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Have you verified that the whole path is correct?

If the user paste the path into the windows explorer, does it find the file?

Other than that, the only other issue I could see from this information would be spaces in directory names. That should work AFAIK though.

Can you share the console.log?

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Thanks for replying. Here's the entire console log. This basically does everything that is in my main file and then ends.

//-------------------------- 5/13/2018 -- 10:21:19 -----

Console trace is off.


Module Manager: Started scanning 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules'...

Module Manager: Registering: 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Audio/1/module.taml' [ ID='Audio', VersionId='1', BuildId='0', Description='' ].

Module Manager: Registering: 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Battle/1/module.taml' [ ID='BattleMod', VersionId='1', BuildId='0', Description='' ].

Module Manager: Registering: 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Bootstrap/1/module.taml' [ ID='Bootstrap', VersionId='1', BuildId='0', Description='Module that creates a loading screen and loads the rest of the game.' ].

Module Manager: Registering: 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Dialog/1/module.taml' [ ID='DialogMod', VersionId='1', BuildId='0', Description='' ].

Module Manager: Registering: 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Editor/1/module.taml' [ ID='EditorMod', VersionId='1', BuildId='0', Description='' ].

Module Manager: Registering: 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Interface/1/module.taml' [ ID='Interface', VersionId='1', BuildId='0', Description='' ].

Module Manager: Registering: 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Inventory/1/module.taml' [ ID='Inventory', VersionId='1', BuildId='0', Description='Contains all elements associtated with the inventory.' ].

Module Manager: Registering: 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Ocean/1/module.taml' [ ID='Ocean', VersionId='1', BuildId='0', Description='The Ocean, previously known as the World Map' ].

Module Manager: Registering: 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Story/1/module.taml' [ ID='StoryMod', VersionId='1', BuildId='0', Description='' ].

Module Manager: Finished scanning 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules'.


Module Manager: Loading explicit module Id 'Bootstrap' at version Id '0':

Module Manager: Explicit load of module Id 'Bootstrap' at version Id '0' and its dependencies is comprised of the following '1' module(s):

> module Id 'Bootstrap' at version Id '1'


Module Manager: Loading explicit module Id 'Bootstrap' at version Id '1' using the script file 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Bootstrap/1/boot.cs'.


Asset Manager: Scanning for declared assets in path 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Bootstrap/1/assets' for files with extension 'asset.taml'...


Asset Manager: Adding Asset Id 'Bootstrap:background' of type 'ImageAsset' in asset file 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Bootstrap/1/assets/background.asset.taml'.


Asset Manager: Adding Asset Id 'Bootstrap:color' of type 'ImageAsset' in asset file 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Bootstrap/1/assets/color.asset.taml'.


Asset Manager: Adding Asset Id 'Bootstrap:logo' of type 'ImageAsset' in asset file 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Bootstrap/1/assets/logo.asset.taml'.


Asset Manager: ... Finished scanning for declared assets in path 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Bootstrap/1/assets' for files with extension 'asset.taml'.



Asset Manager: Scanning for declared assets in path 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Bootstrap/1/fonts' for files with extension 'asset.taml'...


Asset Manager: Adding Asset Id 'Bootstrap:ArialFont' of type 'FontAsset' in asset file 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Bootstrap/1/fonts/Arial.asset.taml'.


Asset Manager: Adding Asset Id 'Bootstrap:OratorBoldFont' of type 'FontAsset' in asset file 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Bootstrap/1/fonts/Orator Bold.asset.taml'.


Asset Manager: Adding Asset Id 'Bootstrap:TrajanProBoldFont' of type 'FontAsset' in asset file 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Bootstrap/1/fonts/Trajan Pro Bold.asset.taml'.


Asset Manager: Adding Asset Id 'Bootstrap:TrajanProDetailFont' of type 'FontAsset' in asset file 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Bootstrap/1/fonts/Trajan Pro Detail.asset.taml'.


Asset Manager: Adding Asset Id 'Bootstrap:TrajanProFont' of type 'FontAsset' in asset file 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Bootstrap/1/fonts/Trajan Pro.asset.taml'.


Asset Manager: ... Finished scanning for declared assets in path 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Bootstrap/1/fonts' for files with extension 'asset.taml'.


Missing file: D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Bootstrap/1/boot.cs!

Module Manager: Cannot load explicit module Id 'Bootstrap' at version Id '1' as it failed to have the script file 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Bootstrap/1/boot.cs' loaded.


Module Manager: Finish loading '1' explicit module(s).


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Huh this is interesting. It seems it loads the file before it fails.

> module Id 'Bootstrap' at version Id '1'


Module Manager: Loading explicit module Id 'Bootstrap' at version Id '1' using the script file 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Bootstrap/1/boot.cs'.

Why is that file getting exec when it seems to have loaded already?

Edit: am I reading the logs wrong? Might be I'm misinterpreting it.

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I just tried running it on my computer, as I also have steam in my D:/ drive, and it worked fine.

There must be something else going on. Maybe corrupt file? Did the user try re-installing it?

It could also be an OS specific issue.

Edit: Only thing worth noting is that the steamapps folder on my disc is called "SteamApps", so it might be a case-sensitivity setting. Though, it seems to find the assets just fine.

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I had him replace the script file already and still no success. I also had him re-install the whole game and that didn't work.

A case-sensitive setting might be the problem. The script files are loaded differently than the assets (I think). This would have to be something the operating system or drive is doing though.

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Yeah, just to be sure: this is on Windows correct?

If so, then the spacing and capitalization stuff shouldn't matter any.

What i'd suggest as a debugging step, is see if he can manually exec the file(assuming the game has access to the console) by just doing exec("modules/Bootstrap/1/boot.cs") and seeing if it at least parses that successfully. If it doesn't, then I'm inclined to agree with Lukas in that it could be a corrupt or missing file and a revalidation of game files through steam may be needed.

Let us know how that goes so we can try and get this sorted.

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Well I definitely need debugging suggestions as I'm completely out. He doesn't have the console, but even if he did, it would be in a module and it probably would have the same problem. Instead, I'll pass him a new main (I know that loads at least) with the exec for the file directly in it. I'll let you guys know what happens.

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It wasn't able to load the file directly either! Here's the end of the console.log file:

Missing file: D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Bootstrap/1/boot.cs!

Module Manager: Cannot load explicit module Id 'Bootstrap' at version Id '1' as it failed to have the script file 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Bootstrap/1/boot.cs' loaded.


Module Manager: Finish loading '1' explicit module(s).


Missing file: D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Bootstrap/1/boot.cs!

As you can see, the module failed like before and then I ask it to load the file directly and it gives the exact same answer. And again, the actual file is the dso - not sure if it matters. Any ideas? Corrupt file? He said he already uninstalled and reinstalled the game. Should I try loading a different file?

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If you get the opportunity, I would consider trying the following line, just for shits and giggles:

exec("D:/Steam/SteamApps/common/Pirate Code/modules/Bootstrap/1/boot.cs");

Furthermore, I would try creating a new .cs file (test.cs), and exec that one. It could just have an echo statement:

echo("I was executed!");
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Well this problem was my fault. In my haste to debug I had turned on "IgnoreDSOs" which is why none of my files would load after that. The released version of the game only has DSOs.

The user still only gets a black screen with music though and I'm at a loss about why. His setup is almost the exact same as mine, except his graphics card is a little more powerful.

Anyway, I told him to try uninstall/reinstall again or try it on a different computer and we'll leave it at that. He got the game for free. Still, I don't like walking away from a bug like this.

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