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Is PhysX 3.4 really working in Torque 3D?


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I ask this because I'm not an expert in the field, but I know there are people here who are more advanced than I am. I'm with T3D 3.10.1, PhysX 3.4.2 and VS2015 3!


At first I was trying to implement PhysX 3.3.4, but I was having problems compiling it because I was using VS2015 Update 3. Show me the best way to go ...:


  • PhysX[/b] 3.4.2 with VS2015 Upadate3?

  • PhysX[/b] 3.3.4 with VS (what version?)?


I'm still learning to work with T3D!

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Do you really need PhysX? I would recommend investing time into Bullet physics, they are open source, so it is better in the long run.


But in relation to performance, which is the best?

I'm very much in doubt, which one to use ... I know that Nvidia creates an ad about PhysX!

I really want to know if it was worth it.

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The stock Torque physics work quite well for basic applications, you only need PhysX or Bullet, if you want to do more complicated physics simulations.

Regarding performance I would not worry so much, your biggest issue will be to get it running and fixing bugs.

To me it is an easy decission, I would chose Bullet over PhysX, since Bullet is open source and PhysX is proprietary. To install PhysX you need to register at Nvidia and request the PhysX package etc and if it does not work, you cannot do much, with Bullet you are independend and got the source code, so you can better fix bugs yourself.

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The stock Torque physics work quite well for basic applications, you only need PhysX or Bullet, if you want to do more complicated physics simulations.

Regarding performance I would not worry so much, your biggest issue will be to get it running and fixing bugs.

To me it is an easy decission, I would chose Bullet over PhysX, since Bullet is open source and PhysX is proprietary. To install PhysX you need to register at Nvidia and request the PhysX package etc and if it does not work, you cannot do much, with Bullet you are independend and got the source code, so you can better fix bugs yourself.


Gostei da sua percepção, meu caro amigo. Muito obrigado!

Vou trabalhar com Bullet e conhecer ele mais à fundo! :D

You helped me a lot, I really needed those words.

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