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Greets All:

I have a network-friendly submarine nearly finished but have an issue with waterblocks for which I've searched the net as well as the source code to solve:

I have a waterblock in my level:


  new WaterBlock(theOcean) {
     gridElementSize = "5";
     gridSize = "5";
     density = "1";



then in my commands.cs, I need to find the surface height so I do it like this:



     %id = theOcean.getID();
     %surface = %id.getSurfaceHeight();
     echo("water block id: "@%id@" surface level is: "@%surface);     



which gives me a console error:


Unknown command getSurfaceHeight


in line 134 in waterBlock.h, I see in the public:


  virtual F32 getSurfaceHeight( const Point2F &pos ) const;


and this same code is in waterPlane and river - yet i can't seem to get a surfaceHeight from anything in the waterObject class- what am I missing?

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Yeah, have to add this in Engine/source/environment/waterBlock.cpp :

// up at the top with the other includes:
#include "console/engineAPI.h"
// ....
// down at the bottom of the file:
DefineEngineMethod(WaterBlock, getSurfaceHeight, F32, (const Point2F pos), ,
	"@brief Return the height of the waterblock surface at position pos.")
	return object->getSurfaceHeight(pos);


Note that it takes a Point2F parameter - so

%obj.getSurfaceHeight("0.0 0.0");

should get us the surface height at the center of the waterblock. I guess you could just default it to

// up at the top with the other includes:
DefineEngineMethod(WaterBlock, getSurfaceHeightAtCenter, F32, (), ,
	"@brief Return the height of the waterblock surface at position 0.0, 0.0.")
	Point2F pos = Point2F(0.0, 0.0);
	return object->getSurfaceHeight(pos);

I was thinking that you could make it a read-only property and just call this in the "getter," but hell, might as well just do this.

By the way - that compiles, but I haven't tested it....

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Yeah, have to add this in Engine/source/environment/waterBlock.cpp :
// up at the top with the other includes:
#include "console/engineAPI.h"
// ....
// down at the bottom of the file:
DefineEngineMethod(WaterBlock, getSurfaceHeight, F32, (const Point2F pos), ,
	"@brief Return the height of the waterblock surface at position pos.")
	return object->getSurfaceHeight(pos);


Oh duh, kinda missing a big piece...

...and yeah works like a charm, thank you!!!

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