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Torque 4.0


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Hello, I was just curious as to when 4.0 is estimated to be released. I appreciate all the work done by the team both now and in the past, however its been a while, and I cant seem to find anything regarding a real time frame for release other than "soon". Can anyone help me on a possible timeframe? I am not looking for a hard date of any kind, but something would be nice. I read all the forum posts on 4.0, and while all the assurances that I can continue my development with 3.10, it wont be that different etc. etc. I do not want to rely on any tools to port my current things into the new organization. I want to develop ON the NEW organization.

As I have said previously, props to the Torque team and everyone in this small but very helpful community. I am hoping I can be more active soon, had a lot of medical things going on so stopped being involved and developing for quite a while.

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As I have said previously, props to the Torque team and everyone in this small but very helpful community.


Well the "Torque team" currently consists of one person which is JeffR, which probably already answers your question, if we had a real team, version 4.0 would already be released a year ago or so.

See here: https://forums.torque3d.org/memberlist.php?mode=team

As you can see there is a list of lots of people, but all of them are inactive except JeffR. LukasPJ is also occasionally active, since he runs this website.

I would recommend just using version 4.0 right now from the development branch, as there is no big difference in quality from releases to the development branch since we have no team testing it anyway and beg JeffR to allow others on the team again so we can get things done.

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I had no idea the team is currently just JeffR. Yes that does answer my question. Well, Super Props to JeffR then. I will just use the dev branch then as you have suggested Duion. Considering there is no team, I suppose using it will at least allow me to test it and give feedback.

Thanks for the reply and help Duion!

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No, I'm not the only person working on the engine.

I'm the primary member of the Steering Committee, yes, with Anis being able to contribute as his work allows. Beyond that, there's a number of people that regularly contribute to the engine work that aren't principly part of the SC, such as JeffH, Az, Lukas, and others that hold a large influence on development due to their knowledge and contributions. They don't necessarily exist on the SC, but they're definitely rather core dev guys.

Please don't go around telling people that one person is working on the engine, that's a lie.

As for the due-date of 4.0, it was originally slated for sometime this summer, but we've had some various discussions internally and in the discord and the like and realized that realistically, we'll likely have to push back the release some. Some things are must-haves, like PBR which have been causing a bit of a hangup on the other stuff being run-through, but I'm hoping that we can get a release candidate put together in the next couple of months if we don't run into any other roadblocks that slow things down like PBR has.

As duion said, the development branch is the ongoing development one, so if you can do any tests or eyeballing on there to either note issues or the like, that'd be helpful as well. It'll be where all the continuing advances go into as well, so if you keep ontop of the development branch, you'll be coasting along with progress to 4.0.

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I did not say you are the only one working on the engine, but the only one on the team or steering committee. It is not the job of people working on the enigne to bring out a version, but this is job of the steering committee to decide when to release a new version and what will be in it and then to merge, test and release it, how many people actually work on or with the engine is not relevant to that.

For example the old plan was to have a release every quarter of the year, so the team or steering committee had to make sure this gets done, not do the actual work on the engine.

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Thank you for the reply JeffR. I realized there was more than one person contributing after I went to the GitHub page. Thank you for actually answering my question in regards to a time frame and why it is where it is. I appreciate that. After consideration I will be running the 4.0 dev branch, and will give feedback to the team. I might begin contributing as I get better medically and become familiar with the engine again.

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Sounds like a good plan to me :)

I was delayed due to some pre-vacation extra workstuffs, but I'll be adding more bits to the Roadmap subforum over the next day or so to better expand upon(and open for discussion when and how) what features are figured for 4.0 and beyond. Glad to have you in the community :D

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