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CONGRATULATIONS!! another Torque3d release :D :D

Could u tell me how u set up the minimap?


thanks :)

I am take Brian Roberts (Azaezel) radar code https://www.garagegames.com/community/forums/viewthread/136301/1#comment-855237

and add myself terrible code :oops:

this is a first version:


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that would be amazing!! please do as it would go along way to helping me finish my RTS game, its literally the only thing holding me back now that i have sorted out the audio :)



1. In debug build NOT work !!!!

2. Use WinMerge program to see what change.

3. Example datablocks of different teams:

datablock PlayerData( AiBotGreen )


indTeam = 0;

Icon = "art/gui/minimap/Bot_green.png";


datablock PlayerData( AiBotRed )


indTeam = 1;

Icon = "art/gui/minimap/Bot_red.png";


4. Example make visible on minimap: In game\scripts\server\player.cs

function PlayerData::damage( %this, %obj, %sourceObject, %position, %damage, %damageType )








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You should consider giving out a bunch of promotional free keys to reviewers/streamers quick, while you are in release, since since the indie apocalypse your default visibility is greatly reduced. Somewhere in Steam there is even a function to do that, where you can select curators and send them free keys.

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You should consider giving out a bunch of promotional free keys to reviewers/streamers quick, while you are in release, since since the indie apocalypse your default visibility is greatly reduced. Somewhere in Steam there is even a function to do that, where you can select curators and send them free keys.


Thanks, I did this. But it did not give many effects - from 110 curators only 5 made review. I think graphics of assets not so good for this genre in 2018. :roll:

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You should consider giving out a bunch of promotional free keys to reviewers/streamers quick, while you are in release, since since the indie apocalypse your default visibility is greatly reduced. Somewhere in Steam there is even a function to do that, where you can select curators and send them free keys.


Thanks, I did this. But it did not give many effects - from 110 curators only 5 made review. I think graphics of my assets not so good for this genre in 2018. :roll:

Well better than nothing and you are not supposed to spam all of them, just chose those who might be interested, otherwise it can have a negative effect since you mention the graphics. Indie game reviewer will not be so harsh on the graphics etc.

By the way your graphics are not that bad, they are good enough and consistent, except some default assets that shine through, like the default soldier and the default skybox, so if you want to improve on that try replacing the default assets. The clouds are easy to replace, the default cloud layer in Torque gives you good results, I only use that one for my new levels like here: https://www.moddb.com/games/uebergame/images/bg-rockyhighlands-preview-03#imagebox thats 2 cloud layers with slightly different settings. The soldier may be harder to replace. Aside from that you may be able to improve the visuals greatly by changing lighting and postFX, I worked out a good default postFX preset: https://github.com/Duion/Uebergame/blob/development/scripts/client/postFx/default.postfxpreset.cs try using that (will need my fix for blueshift slider that I made a PR for). Torque graphics look very flat, so you need harsher contrast through darker shadows and/or postFX like HDR and SSAO to cover up that fact.

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You should consider giving out a bunch of promotional free keys to reviewers/streamers quick, while you are in release, since since the indie apocalypse your default visibility is greatly reduced. Somewhere in Steam there is even a function to do that, where you can select curators and send them free keys.


Thanks, I did this. But it did not give many effects - from 110 curators only 5 made review.

Well better than nothing and you are not supposed to spam all of them, just chose those who might be interested,


Search gave me 1500 curators and I chose only 110

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