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I may need help with setting up a Minions of mirth server, tge


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This is Ace from the Old Garage Games site, Hi
 My personal website is NoESCapeGames.com I got out of development  long ago. I found i like running the servers and playing on them is best.

I signed up with  the  v12 engine for 50 bucks i think i got the rts license later. I can still sign in to the first maps i messed with. 

The source was released for minions of mirth back when it was still in retail. M.o.m also gave the tmmokit life.

Is this a good place to ask for help with the mmo? It  is powered by the tge and py.


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well no one said no.


https://realmcrafter.boards.net/thread/99/started-installing-tmmokit-read-first   tmmokit instructions

this is what we have to work with.
I want to be able to do a proper step x  step  with pics 

i did get the tmmokit 1.3  running and compiled a client it lets u play  in single player but when i went online it couldnt find remote manifest. 


the tmmokit had some better instructions and has all apps included so idid them just to learn a little 

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1. Install MoM and update it
2. Install Python 2.7
3. Install wxPython 2.8.x
4.You probably need to install OpenSSL (32bit?): https://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html
5.Clone (or Download) this repo, make sure the path you choose does not have any spaces
6.From the cloned folder run:
C:\Python27\python.exe -m pip install -r requirements.txt

 My computer dont reconize pip so how do i install


this was in the requirements text 

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On 4/4/2024 at 8:11 AM, Ace said:

I downloaded the server files from git  and extracted to: 


C:\Python27\python.exe -m pip install -r requirements.txt
i dont understand this line i just right click requirements.txt and the following was in side:


Twisted==10.1.0 was the only one i could find in msi form the other are  tar.gz

i dont know how to install them

under Environment Configuration
You'll need to set the following environment variables:           where  do they need to be set?

MOM_INSTALL=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\MinionsOfMirthUW       (client) MinionsOfMirthUW is on C:/          

PYTHONPATH=C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages;%MOM_INSTALL%;%MOM_INSTALL%\library.zip;        C:\Python27 is the path

  i dont get what i should do with  %MOM_INSTALL%;%MOM_INSTALL%\ (basically typing out the cmd to work?)

Note: change MOM_INSTALL to point to your Minions of Mirth install directory.

Run the Install.py script (It will copy a few things from the MoM install):

C:\Python27\python.exe .\Install.py                       Noidea

I need to know how to do the steps in green




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First, I'll observe that there's a lot of license/legal complexity when it comes to the TGEMMO kit and/or MoM itself. I have a recollection that there was some drama around the kit and certain licenses were changed to make utilizing it legally complex.

As well as how the official MoM servers were offically shut down a decade ago.

Because it's hard to find the specific licenses and terms I can't give a lot of advice on the legal OKness of it. If you had an OG TGE license from garage games back in the day, as well as had purchased the TGEMMO Kit from prarie games before it was discontinued, then it is *likely* legally valid to utilize. However, as A) I am not actually a lawyer and B) the aforementioned complex landscape of the licencing status of the MMO Kit, MoM server revivals and how it interfaces with your TGE license, I would strongly recommend consulting with a contract lawyer before continuing further to ensure everything is above board.

This kind of third party kit licensing stuff gets messy fast and it wouldn't be in anyone's favor if it came back and bit someone in the butt because someone missed some sub-clause somewhere that invalidated everything.


If you've done your due diligence and have found that you're legally in the clear, we come to the next hurdle, in that I'm unsure if anyone else has all the necessary licenses in necessary conjunction to be able to replicate or help you work through the issue along side you. So the best you'd likely be able to hope for is just general TGE advice, I would believe, unfortunately.

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Wow,  I remember purchasing this game years ago when I was just starting out with TGE.  Since I still use TGE,  (I'm working on a game called Johnny TRouble) I am interested in how you come along with these servers.  Keep in touch, I may contact you later to see how you come along.

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im no lawyer neither, the laws have changed alot over the years , the games i run are like me, old, retired, and noone wants any thing todo with them, and fall under the catagory of abandonware

 if im wrong the owners can let me know and ill stop ,

I started running servers since 1990 and never had any complaints.

Probably cuz i have never charged a dime for anything i have done with NoESCape/NoescapeGames.com.

thank id software for that , they always released their sources becuz they believed others  would improve on it/themselves

, and i always agree with that

Torque and Pyhon  what a mixed up mess i know, i always thought that, BUT the game is fun 

Well i have my own place to chat, I'm pretty sure I'm doing nothing wrong





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On 4/10/2024 at 12:14 AM, bsisko said:

Wow,  I remember purchasing this game years ago when I was just starting out with TGE.  Since I still use TGE,  (I'm working on a game called Johnny TRouble) I am interested in how you come along with these servers.  Keep in touch, I may contact you later to see how you come along.

Yes ill have NoEscapeGames.com till i die, lol, noescapeserver@gmail.com is my public email since i dont have any bosses i dont check my mail every day 

but i do check . 

also i check my storage, i went and download stuff just be fore gg quit


TorqueConstructor v. 103




10,907 torque files downloaded from gg for dev. Tuts they called them code snippits

i remember TorqueGameEngineSDK-1-4-2 compiled a client so your crew  could work on your project  but didnt get the engine source

As stated above i have long since  quit deving  

Now i basically do pages so i dont for get stuff.


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im no lawyer neither, the laws have changed alot over the years , the games i run are like me, old, retired, and noone wants any thing todo with them, and fall under the catagory of abandonware

 if im wrong the owners can let me know and ill stop ,

I started running servers since 1990 and never had any complaints.

Ok, but that's not how laws work.

Just because no one's sought you out to complain or seek damages doesn't mean that it's legal for you to utilize it, especially if you're asking for assistance from other parties who are even less likely to be able to legally work with the software in question.

If you're going to request assistance and support, it needs to actually be legally sound and not risk getting anyone else involved in legal trouble either, which is why I said you should consult with a lawyer to be sure.

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