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terrain_Mat 3.9 vs 3.10 ?


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lately Ive been creating the terrain tile materials for my 3.9 and 3.10 and there seems to be some difficulty with the linking of a material to a terrainMaterial in v3.9 that I dont have with 3.10 . problems that become evident with the footStepsounds and showDust features . Is anyone aware of some problem with 3.9 ? Im creating the terrainMaterials in the terrain painter editor , then a material in which I add the footstep and dust options in the material editor , then edit the material file with a mapto field .to the diffuse image . Not working for the 3.9 .I didnt see any error message concerning any sound int the log file .

Edited by fLUnKnhaXYU
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I am using an unadulterated copy of version 3.9 , the effects are working correctly except for there is no sound for the footsteps .

//  This is in the file saved by the editor at
//  art/materials.cs
singleton Material(sand_01_FX)
   mapTo = "sand";//I edited this field to point to the image name. Its the only "sand" Image being used , I think .     
terrainMaterials = "1";// I DO NOT KNOW WHAT THIS IS
                       // BUT IVE SEEN IT SO I ADDED
                       // IT TO SEE IF ITD HELP
   castShadows = "0";
   showDust = "1";
   effectColor[0] = "0.415686 0.6 0.431373 1";
   effectColor[1] = "0.576471 0.156863 0.156863 1";
   footstepSoundId = "0";
   materialTag0 = "Miscellaneous";
//  This is in the file saved by the editor at
//  art/terrains/materials.cs
new TerrainMaterial()
   diffuseMap = "art/terrains/Example/sand";
   detailMap = "art/terrains/Example/sand_d";
   internalName = "sand_01";

This works , with footstep sound , in version 3.10 . Thus , it becomes some sort of sound issue with 3.9 at this point , I guess . Ive tried a couple things already but , it seems there isnt anything to fix , its just not working , as if something is just undone . The dust FX is right , with the right colors , the footStepSoundID is set to 3 , the GFX profiles in the player.CS are the one being used , :?:

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in game shows me that the SFXprofile has a datablock and when i use a playonce or play it shows an ID but , there is no sound , It does the same in 3.10 , So , no clue .

The datablocks look the same in the datablock editor , re-pointing to the soft sound profile only adds .ogg extension and has no effect , as I can tell . any suggestion ?

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All Ive managed to do is use other sounds in the foot step sounds list in the material editor , other than the footstepsoundID numbers . Can someone confirm that these footstepSoundIDs work in version 3.9 . If Im remebering correctly Ive seen it work for materials to structures But , Im not having any luck with the terrain tiles .

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Duion , 3.10 works great . My issue here is with 3.9 . This script code below , is copied from your examples linked to above , I only changed some paths and names . There are no footstep sounds by using the footstepsoundID number which in this case both materials use number 1 . I tested it with an absolutely clean 3.9 binary .

singleton Material(TerrainFX_moss_gravel_dense)    
   mapTo = "moss_gravel_dense_base";    
   footstepSoundId = "1";    
   terrainMaterials = "1";    
   ShowDust = "1";    
   showFootprints = "1";   
   materialTag0 = "Terrain_Sand";    
   specularPower[0] = "1";  
   effectColor[0] = "0.803922 0.780392 0.635294 1";  
   effectColor[1] = "0.843137 0.780392 0.454902 0.349";  
   impactSoundId = "0";
new TerrainMaterial()
   diffuseMap = "art/terrains/terrain_tiles/terrainsTiles_Konserian/TT_konserian_highlands/TT_Kons_mossGrvlDense/moss_gravel_dense_base.dds";
   diffuseSize = "250";
   detailMap = "art/terrains/terrain_tiles/terrainsTiles_Konserian/TT_konserian_highlands/TT_Kons_mossGrvlDense/moss_gravel_dense_detail.dds";
   detailSize = "4";
   detailDistance = "100";
   internalName = "moss_gravel_dense";
   macroSize = "20";
   macroStrength = "1.2";
   normalMap = "art/terrains/terrain_tiles/terrainsTiles_Konserian/TT_konserian_highlands/TT_Kons_mossGrvlDense/moss_gravel_dense_normal.dds";
   parallaxScale = "0.05";
singleton Material(TerrainFX_soil_gravel)    
   mapTo = "soil_gravel_base";    
   footstepSoundId = "1";    
   terrainMaterials = "1";    
   ShowDust = "1";    
   showFootprints = "1";   
   materialTag0 = "Terrain_Sand";    
   specularPower[0] = "1";  
   effectColor[0] = "0.803922 0.780392 0.635294 1";  
   effectColor[1] = "0.843137 0.780392 0.454902 0.349";  
   impactSoundId = "0";
new TerrainMaterial()
   diffuseMap = "art/terrains/terrain_tiles/terrainsTiles_Konserian/TT_konserian_highlands/TT_Kons_soilgravelbase/soil_gravel_base.dds";
   diffuseSize = "250";
   detailMap = "art/terrains/terrain_tiles/terrainsTiles_Konserian/TT_konserian_highlands/TT_Kons_soilgravelbase/soil_gravel_detail.dds";
   detailDistance = "100";
   macroSize = "30";
   internalName = "soil_gravel";
   macroStrength = "0.8";
   detailSize = "4";
   normalMap = "art/terrains/terrain_tiles/terrainsTiles_Konserian/TT_konserian_highlands/TT_Kons_soilgravelbase/soil_gravel_normal.dds";
   parallaxScale = "0";

So , If you do not add anything more to the script to get the sounds by setting the footStepSoundID then I have to think that it doesnt work in 3.9 . Thank you for your attention to my issue Duion ,

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I don't know about 3.9, but I had the footstep sounds working all the time, meaning in all possible versions since 3+ years. Maybe I fixed something to make it work again, but I have no idea anymore, you can look my commit history if you really want, but I would not bother and just update the engine, I mean, why you want to downgrade?

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