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Automatic Script Reloading


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This is a small update of an old resource that was on garage games.


I added the ability to mark files that you are working in to keeps systems and things like the editor from freaking out and breaking.




rexec("scripts/server/stuff.cs"); // this file will now auto exec after saving


First open up volume.h

Find these lines


inline bool AddChangeNotification( const Path &path, T obj, U func )

Then add code above them

inline bool AddChangeNotification(const Path &path, U func)
	FileSystemRef fs = GetFileSystem(path);
	if (!fs || !fs->getChangeNotifier())
		return false;
	FileSystemChangeNotifier::ChangeDelegate dlg(func);
	return fs->getChangeNotifier()->addNotification(path, dlg);


Now open up console.cpp

Above this function bool executeFile(const char* fileName, bool noCalls, bool journalScript)


void reExec(const Torque::Path &path);


Now change bool executeFile(const char* fileName, bool noCalls, bool journalScript)


bool executeFile(const char* fileName, bool noCalls, bool journalScript, bool rexec)


In the same function change this line

if( (dsoPath && *dsoPath == 0) || (prefsPath && prefsPath[ 0 ] && dStrnicmp(scriptFileName, prefsPath, dStrlen(prefsPath)) == 0) )


if( (dsoPath && *dsoPath == 0) || dStrstr(scriptFileName, "prefs.cs")) //(prefsPath && prefsPath[ 0 ] && dStrnicmp(scriptFileName, prefsPath, dStrlen(prefsPath)) == 0) )


Still in the same function add this after the last #endif


if (compiled && rexec) 
      Torque::Path path(scriptFileName);
      Torque::FS::AddChangeNotification(path, &reExec);


After the bool executeFile function add


void reExec(const Torque::Path &path)
	//we know this is a file that exists, and a .cs file, so we can skip a lot of checks...  
	CodeBlock *newCodeBlock = new CodeBlock();
	StringTableEntry name = StringTable->insert(path.getFullPath().c_str());
	void *data;
	U32 dataSize = 0;
	Torque::FS::ReadFile(name, data, dataSize, true);
	newCodeBlock->compileExec(name, (char*)data, false, 0);
	delete[] data;


Now open up console.h and change

bool executeFile(const char* fileName, bool noCalls, bool journalScript);


bool executeFile(const char* fileName, bool noCalls, bool journalScript,bool rexec);


Lastly open up consoleFunctioncs.cpp and replace


DefineEngineFunction( exec, bool, ( const char* fileName, bool noCalls, bool journalScript ), ( false, false ),
   "Execute the given script file.\n"
   "@param fileName Path to the file to execute\n"
   "@param noCalls Deprecated\n"
   "@param journalScript Deprecated\n"
   "@return True if the script was successfully executed, false if not.\n\n"
      "// Execute the init.cs script file found in the same directory as the current script file.\n"
      "exec( \"./init.cs\" );\n"
   "@see compile\n"
   "@see eval\n"
   "@ingroup Scripting" )
   return Con::executeFile(fileName, noCalls, journalScript);


With this

DefineEngineFunction( exec, bool, ( const char* fileName, bool noCalls, bool journalScript ), ( false, false ),
   "Execute the given script file.\n"
   "@param fileName Path to the file to execute\n"
   "@param noCalls Deprecated\n"
   "@param journalScript Deprecated\n"
   "@return True if the script was successfully executed, false if not.\n\n"
      "// Execute the init.cs script file found in the same directory as the current script file.\n"
      "exec( \"./init.cs\" );\n"
   "@see compile\n"
   "@see eval\n"
   "@ingroup Scripting" )
   return Con::executeFile(fileName, noCalls, journalScript, false);
DefineEngineFunction(rexec, bool, (const char* fileName, bool noCalls, bool journalScript), (false, false),
	"Execute the given script file. As well as re-execute said file automatically after saving\n")
   return Con::executeFile(fileName, noCalls, journalScript, true);
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