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I having trouble getting the following code to work. I have this code in a function of the game.cs script in server folder. I'm trying to set the noCursor property of the playGui to 1, and it doesn't work. It needs to be in the game.cs script rather than the playgui.gui script because I need the user to select controls on the playGui gui, so that when I hide the controls the user will be able to navigate the world with the mouse.


function DemoSignMin()
 //   Set the demosign into the loweer right hand corner
 PlayGUI.noCursor = "1";

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The location of the script does not matter, it can be anywhere, you only have to worry about the execution order so that the script is available where you want it.

For example I don't write any scripts in the .gui files or at least try to and instead create a playgui.cs file where I place the scripts.

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