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This shows-off a little fun Ive been having while learning T3D V3.xx , this is v3.9 . The models use only a diffuse color

and a normal and specular map , for now . The human characters are made using with MakeHuman v 1.1.1 and use the BVH

armature for motion cature animations , such as CMU Hahne Conversion , then exported to DAE with Blender 2.79 . Normal

maps and the like are made with GIMP 2.8 and the InsaneBump plug-in . I thought that maybe someone would get a kick out

of it for some reason .



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Duion , Its whatever comes with v3.9 binary . Those are playerClass human characters and tanks are wheeledVehicle . Though everything here is quite basic , a root and run animation , mount zero for vehicle pilot and collision boxes . You can see the Cheetah tires , I'm going to keep the visible wheels and axles to represent the old plastic toy look .

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  • 2 weeks later...

although merely a single plane , the trees have collision and small ledges .


even though Ive encountered an issue concerning the player controlled turret theyre working nicely in 1st person in these pics .

1st person , player not mounted , but turret is the control object .


player mounted to turret , 1st person


My problem involves third person firing . Ill post about it in the C++ forum .

That sorta concludes my little show-off episode . I guess no one noticed the Marx Battleground trees and destroyed building . It was meant to be a little joke as theyre probably the most famous plastic toy soldiers type of things But oh well then , hope you enjoyed it ..

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  • 9 months later...

RETURN OF HERO 1 ! or whatever his name is . Here he is in ver 3.9 . The green guy is the player the other 2 are AiPlayers . I guess its been a while since hes been shown off . If anyones wondering , it was imported into the shape editor and the dsq's added in the shape editor as well , the animations are really nice and the color texture is the original 256 . but i did run it through GIMP/insane bump to see what kind of normal i'd get .


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Duion , this time I did focused a little on appearance and considered some things I could change . I guess the colors looked a little over saturated so I lowered the saturation of some textures wih Gimps Hue/Saturation tool and lightened or darkened some textures with brightnss-Contrast , basic things like that until I liked the appearance and it seemed a little more realistic to me . Also I had to delete the old imposter files because they weren't being re-generated after the editing had been done on the images . after removing/renamimg whatever they were automatically generated . Plus , a little fiddling with the detail sizes in the shape editor and a little extra color shift with the postFx editor . I thinks thats about it , just some simple basic stuff , Im gonna try some more . thx

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Did you remove the halo on your nature assets? It may improve the visuals a bit, if you do so. Here is a tool that does it automatically on textures: https://www.reinerstilesets.de/de/programme/halo-remover/ it is german, but you just need to run the tool. It basically fills the alpha channel of alpha textures with similar colors than the texture itself, so the vegetation does not look that dark in the distance.

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Thanks Duion , I have that little program . might try it on a file that I edited to a lighter color which left a white egde on the image , though , its an image with multiple colors so it probably wont work well and Ill need GIMP , its tree foliage , you cant see it unless youre very close

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Duion , I don't think there's a halo problem as with the alpha , I think Ill just stick with using GIMP . Actually I'm not happy at all with the appearance without the postFx because I'm using it to mask bad art . I'm stepping back , turning off the post FX and try to adjust the textures for realism first . I know , maybe should've already taken that approach instead of messing things up first . anyhow here's my way cool picture . I think that's all of them except for a couple material variants , and the Buggy! . Hope you like the pic . Anybody have any tips on importing those old structures ?



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It is too bright and too green, I found things to look more realistic if you have your green more into the brown on the color spectrum and there is very likely a halo problem, you can see black pixels on the grass for example. You can use Gimp to remove the halo, but it is complicated, since you have to cut out and fill the alpha in the correct order, otherwise it will be filled with black again and I don't know how to make Gimp show the alpha channel color, Blender shows it, when you load it as a texture.

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This is no postFX , notice the ultra dramatic boost in frameses . I used GIMPs fuzzy select and set the threshhold to where i left out the alpha affected pixels on the edge and in the material editor I left transparency unchecked and set the alpha threshhold slider until the edges looked ok .

but yes , Duion is correct , I zoomed way in and saw the alpha affected pixels .

Steve_Yorkshire I did a quick search for spaceKork and didnt see anything . ForgeGuy is the new T3D soldier yes? HOW did I leave that out ? Geez .



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I see you used my dandelion plant, it seems I did not know about halo removal back then as you can see in the distance the plants turn very dark, with halo removed they would stay green and blend with the grass, especially if you use the fizzle fade a bit as well. I know it is nitpicking from me, but it is a small detail that can have a big impact on the overall look of the scene.

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