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The only way I can think of to remove ground cover is to paint under the decal with another terrain material.


That is how I do it, usually some dirt texture, which adds additional detail and realism to the level, since roads are not build on grass, in reality they clear the area before they build roads on it. If you really want to keep it grass you can make a second terrain material with the same texture, but remove the ground cover from it, so you can control where the ground cover is.

Ohterwise I would advise not to use my assets from my old packs, but use them from the actual Uebergame repo, since they are often the improved versions and bad ones sorted out. The grass you are using is one of my first attempts, which I was not satisfied with.


Using a duplicated layer with the same terrain material is probably the most common way I know of, it is, however, a 'hacky' and sub-optimal method perhaps this should be flagged as an issue and something that actively needs to be added as a feature, not only for roads but for other decals too, there already exists a methodology for it in the form of the allow on statics option that used to be a thing

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The different texture did good , looks nice to me too . I agree with Bloodknight concerning the groundcover and things like forest objects on decals . It would make small cleared areas such as camp fires easier , some iten like a chest , small building , etc etc especially paths . Also , Ive made a couple attempts at trying to use the decals to negate the depth on terrain tiles such as sand and snow with a little parallax no luck just yet . Basically Ive tried just exaggerating the normal of the decal , which i think looks nice but doesnt seem to affect the terrain texture . a very good example can be seen in the game "War Thunder" . If anyone knows anything about it . Its a very nice effect .

Steve - the tank is a M4A3 E8 HVSS . The drawing I used is a very simple hand-drawn profile , it has been a learning project . But yea , I looked it up , and discovered a couple errors - to fix . I plan on doing a Panther next to go with it .

All feel free to critique it as harshly as you will , it would only benefit me nicely THX.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well , here it is Practically finished now . Im going to repaint it , see what I can do with some spring animation . A few details to go , Im not going worry about every error , I kinda like the way they look .After I wasted a few hundred tris just goofing off in the begining I tried to be as conservative as I could manage with poly count . The result so far at this highest detail is about 13,000 verts and 32,000 tris .with the tracks and rollers accounting for 25,000 .


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25 000 tris just for the tracks? Sounds quite high and how you intend to animate that and make LOD levels? I think most games use solid block mesh track with an animated texture, solves all problems at once.

On the other hand in your case it probably does not matter anyway, since polycount is not that heavy on performance, if you don't intend to have 100 tanks in the scene or so.

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the tris really added up quickly with all of those parts related to the tracks and suspension and I really don't think I can improve on the poly count , there's nothing extravagant about the model . Im hoping to scale it down dramatically starting at the next detail level where I don't plan to use the separated treads and plan to use much less detail in the suspension and rollers , the next detail levels should be very significantly smaller , removing all of the small pieces from the hull and turret leaving little more than a cube at small detail levels . Im going to try my luck and apply some physics to generate some animation for the high detail then , as you suggested , go straight to the animated textures . Its progressing along OK for now but yea I was pondering just those same thoughts . thx

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  • 1 month later...

this is a couple of slightly crumpled planes using different materials . simulating flowing debris of such cruched infrastructure or outlying parts and such . the plan is to have long floppy suspension and simulate bobbing around within an indulation , using a slight depression in the terrain which of course will appear much deeper than appearances , with nice subtle irregularities for activating the bobbing effect .


but these springs and little custom tires are being a bit tricky , It appears to be limited to 8 , really wanted 12 as i have 12 moving parts but better than nothing , yes?

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Duion ,my pc isnt very powerful and Id have to learn some software , I have been considering open broadcaster for a while just haven't gone for it . so . Its nothing special but the animated textures look good . the planes can be attached to the vehicle , things like that , but i guess the nicest part would be the materials options . I ve had a working turret since page 2 of this thread , it shows the grey tank turned and firing with the projectile explosion out ahead of the gun . but yea things are yet to be ironed out completely but some imrovments every so often . Last thing was determining , in my case , that setting the turret as control object of the client instead of the control object of the player greatly improved the movement of the turret and gun but certainly not to a satisfactory degree even though the slight quirky jerkyness is possibly just a visual thing , the aiming seems pretty good and the turning speed seems to be manageable , though I havent really been hard at this for a little while , It behaved as if it were recentering while controled by the player , im guessing . At this time sorta the next thing might be projecting a cursor from the muzzle . oh yea and figuring out the tires and springs thing but hopefully that'll not take much more time .making videos sounds like fun +

hope you've all been playing it safe and good luck to all of you .

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  • 7 months later...

hope everyone's doin well .

I made a nifty road material , I think .

a 512x512 which combines a few images from old demos such as FPS demo , African Savanna Pack , and Duions art , using GIMP and the Insane bump addon .











Edited by fLUnKnhaXYU
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Do the tracks appear behind the tank when he is driving? You could at least give the tank an olive color, you can do that instantly in the material editor in Torque3D. The Insane bump plugin is not the best normal map generator, consider trying a proper one.

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in the last post , the pics show that the shading doesnt change for the decals according to its angle as it does for the the road . So , my big idea of adding decals to the vehicle position doesnt seem likely unless Im overooking something still . I guess Ill consider creating a road , even though that seems inefficient , maybe , but you know , just playing with it . The road is just as ugly where it crosses itself .

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These are pics of thge decal road







these textures are solid across and present some issues depending on the combination of alpha and/or transparencies applied . the next couple images are pretty bad case examples , the sub transparency , which these pics are not , looks pretty good as the top appears to overlay the bottom but I dont get shadows so ???. Im also going to look into whether different methods used with the terrain textures and/or their normal maps make any difference . thanks , oops forgot to Olive her out .




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  • 4 weeks later...



now I have 3 detail levels for the m4A3E8 (also called the easy eight ) .




here she is almost ready to move into , with a little paint and some things , considering putting the cheetah engine in .

anyhow , still trying to learn . oh , theres no armature to the hatches I just posed them in blender but thats what Im planning . right now all of it is 43,000 tris and I dont think itll get much larger , these details are 300 , 200 and 2 . Ive opted for multiple textures 1024 for the hull300 , 512 for the turret300 , and..etc . it just seems counter intuitive to use a 2048 while the vehicle spend most of their time at smaller and smallest details , So . thanks .



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  • 3 weeks later...

Aristarh ,

thanks for the looks cool . I do not program the engine , I just use what I can that's in 3.9 . So , my method isn't very technical . I make sure that the client is controlling the player and not the vehicle , that way you can use freelook .

I guess , if you wanted , you could create a very basic character whose armature is is only a root and camera , or something like that . and mount it to a cheetah mount node , i think you can easily change which node your mounted to . You can look at the cheeta in the shape editor and adjust the nodes , as well . also you can animate the eye  node , I've only animated a bone to which an eye is connected and watched the animation in the shape editor . If you're changing action maps be aware that the movement commands of your current action map affect the camera when you toggle it . good luck . I'm watching your post about rotating camera and I'm hoping someone will drop a secret too .

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