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I forgot the jackolantern buckets but oh well . makeHuman 1.1 models/clothes/materials , torque3d 3.9 .

all the characters are single size , just for this little show off thread , but the hero cape was reduced in blender 2.79 from 9000 + to just less than 1000 with decimate modifier using un-subdivide and required little touch-up . they are a bit high I think around 30 k'ish , the batman like character , somehow I,d duplicated the suit mesh in make human but only had to delete one of them . been really easy to work with these . for anyone seeing that the fps's are not very sweet . I use a AMD A6 , 8 GB RAM , vidia 610 GT . windows 7 . So , about 10 years old .



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this skeletons skin mesh is 25 k'ish , the bones is 101,000 + tris . even my blender is lagging pretty good with it loaded .

so i use the decimate modifier on this object . and reduce it 75% in under a second almost .


original 101,000 tris object





after decimate


in edit mode shows a lot to work with to get it prettied back up


a comparison , its a bit disappointing but this is completely un retouched after the decimate and I think it will touch up very nicely .





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  • 1 month later...

seasons greetings and happy holidays all ,

1 . in a few more recent pics , the little gui showed rather low frame rate . I discovered that I had left shadow texture size at 2048 . now its back to 512 or 1024 , 512 I think and much improved FPS as ther are many trees and shadows .

2. I made this helmet in Blender and added it to the clothes in makeHuman where I can now add it to any new character I make . btw I selected all of the vertices in the human head that fit just in side of the helmet object to add to the humans helmet vertex group . (I think I hid the ears though) . this eliminated almost if not all of the distortion of the helmet that I was gettting by just using one or few vertexes . any how , a plethora of materials can be easily added to the helmet object in makeHuman and instantly changed .


My current Tank is a wheeledVehicle using an armature to control turret rotation , bigGun pitch , and the eye node . Allows me to make all moves simultaneous , I dont need a freeLook key . 

the turret shape attached to the wheeled vehicle gave me some problems as a control object . The packets being rouneded to the nearest degree in the move manager stuff , I suspect , but of course they are great for Ai which bring up another issue , If I move far distance from other wheeledVehicle/turretShape objects then return to that spot , the turrets will have removed from the wheeledVehicle and be rotating on the ground and even though they're rotaing property is false . If I nudge them (turretShape) )in the editor , they pop back into place on the wheeledVehicle . BTW when I say far distance , I am using a 16Km X 16km map so I can move 10 miles away . the onepiece wheeledVehicle has been behaving nicely at that distance , we'll see.  now I want to add sight/s projected from the muzzle/s . any advise would be great .


the maingun just fires straight from the muzzle , no sight yet . its just 2 bones attached to a mount in the end of the barrel .


the smallGun which here is the AiTurretHead uses muzzlecorrection and fire toward the cursor .



so its mouse button0 - fire mainGun , mouseButton1- fire smallGun , mouse Xaxis - look rotate , mouse Yaxis - look pitch

forwar back left right moves on the keyboard .

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

so I decided to try with 4.0 . I dont understand the creation and use of assets so I just did this the old materials way . I am having an issue with memory leak . perhaps it is the way Im creating the materials and not properly creating assets ?  the more materials the shape uses , the more severe the leak is , with everything in one material the leak is kinda slow , anyway I am stupid . 

another thing is the black shadows . the lighting is adjusted to like 15 in this image in order to see it this clearly , and shadows at any brightness level are always black .



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5 hours ago, fLUnKnhaXYU said:

another thing is the black shadows . the lighting is adjusted to like 15 in this image in order to see it this clearly , and shadows at any brightness level are always black .

Would need more info on how you set things up to really dig at a memleak, but on the black shadows:
This thing to remember about the 3.x series is the specular maps were for tinting the result of lighting (and shadowing)
The way the new render system works, that specular is picked up from the scene with adjustments in the form of the ORM map, aka ambient Occlusion (red chan. basically baked in shadows) Roughness (green chan, basically how much its a mirror vs blurred reflection) Metalness(blue chan. basically how much the baseline object color tints things). In order to get the info on what to reflect though, you need to have an object provide the point of view for the scene capture. Skylight (only use one) is a general global capture everything uses, while probes are for local pickup.

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thank you , Azaezel ,

I am just using the preview 4.0 binary . So, I guess you know that the probe adding function isn't available , at least not via  the menu keys you used . I added the skylight , which I wasn't aware of either , it lit the shadowed areas and added a reflection which was quite strong (it all resembled a sheet of ice) and even in the MIS i was not able to make any adjustments . It only worked the first time I tried and has since been crashing my graphics card . I wouldn't be alarmed , my card and entire system is a really old potato variant . i'll galdly give you the specs if you want but it came with windows 7 . OK , I'll be looking forward to a newer binary and thanks again .

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  • 2 weeks later...

well , the experience , getting started , at least , has not been too difficult , and the result in the image is quite exciting for me , the nice specular in the terrain was achieved just by throwing in the gray test grid image as i hadn't added any "image asset" , nonetheless quite exciting . adding stuff to the assets appears to be far simpler than I had feared , anyhoo , sweet . the tank is a static model . and , so , thanks a lot for hooking me up with this . 


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  • 1 month later...

i got these two sets of images from  freePBR dot com . one is called Bog one is mud with vegetation . here they are used as terrain paint materials .



bog image trimmed with mud image , . Materializer was used to export a composite using images in the PBR sets . i tried blender , Unity and UE sets these are the ones for UE , not really sure of any real difference tho . other t3d terrain tiles from the example folder are in the pic , not really visible but have added ORM composite images . I did nothing to add the reflectivity .


:).....i thought the shadow was a reflection , ok?

Edited by fLUnKnhaXYU
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

LOL , just a little freeby from free3d . they really have lots of cool models you can just throw into T3D . like the land speeder (you can barely see on the road ) add a couple nodes , modify the datablock file and you have a game ready wheeled vehicle ! a land speeder no less ! 🙂 wayyy COOOOL 🙂


this needs spotlights .

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

heres a pic featuring a couple textures from freePBR . branches_twisted and forestFloor so editable(color , as in to suit your needs ) and nice normal map effect .


the dirty texture is actually a refurbished dirt_grass old T3D terrain Texture . T3d 4.01 , blender 2.79 , gimp 2.10.20 , makeHuman , reaper , bvh hacker ,  materialize and , of course , notePad++ for playing with the datablocks and stuff . have a beauty .

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  • 2 weeks later...

here are a couple of terrain textures I got at openGameArt (grey pebbles)and ambientCG (goldish rocks) other visible texture is T3Ds own drass_dry (somethin like that) . Ive been trying to dial them into the scene using GIMP and Materialize . FYI Ive left a little darkness in the gravel as they tend to occlude light quite naturally . normal map adjustments and/or ambient occlusion adjustments can improve and/or destroy your desired appearance whatever your desired . 


TY have a nice day 🙂

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Try out my ground textures, I already made all kinds of terrain textures perfectly adjusted to Torque3D, if those are not enough I have hundreds and thousands of photos you can use to make more textures, but they are not Torque4 ready I think, no idea how much has changed.

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I uploaded the source files for the textures used in Uebergame on duion.com, but I'm far behind curating and uploading all the source files, I got tired eventually of doing that, maybe I finish up in the future, but you can also use my photo collection to make new textures. Easiest way is probably to just copy over the textures folders from Uebergame, but as said they are not Torque 4 ready.

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