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at Duion , Im not sure what youve done concerning porting your game stuff to 4.0 but , i used the legacy import tool in 4.01 to load all of the assets in your folder . heres a look at the terrain and textures used inn Rocky Highlands . No adjustments to the 4.01 sky or post fx just dropped in the terrain and rebuilt the terrain materials in the editor and did the pics . Im going use Materialize and make a quick ORM for these and , maybe , change a few sky and , maybe , postfx settngs . or maybe later maybe . and changing the MIS object/asset links to refer to the asset .

this one is no postFX


this one is postFX on


 the legacy import was a one button deal . only a situation near the end with some action before something in compiler CPP (143) or thereabouts . HAVE a NICe DaY!.

windows 7 , torque3d 4.01

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yes Duion ,

    I wanted to get in there quick and change a few things in the MIS but, I kinda got stuck with checking the material asset files first because the lighting (scattersky) brightness isnt affecting the terrain textures .  the material files themselves seemed a bit odd at first glance like , really odd , it actually imported a material file from , for example , the asphalt folder and it is blank while other files seemed incomplete . anyway i want to look at them more closely . the models , for instance , your beach hut , have been looking quite nice .

I wanna add that when I imported the ubergame that I simply imported the entire game from the ubergame folder . no preparation at all . 😐

Edited by fLUnKnhaXYU
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here are a couple of Duions Uebergame terrain textures with ORMs in 4.01 . the ORMs were made with materialize 2017 4.3.44...I havent really found the easy button for importing the terrain materials but just editing with notepad++ isnt really too tedious . So , yea . have a nice day🌝


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Looks wrong, and/or its too close or too upscaled. I think there is a table somewhere from Nvidia or so with a list of the roughness, metalness values of different materials, this gives you a start to chosing the right values. You better import the textures with the level they came so you can see if it looks realistic and compare to how it looked before also add a player onto the terrain, for reference like scale and how realistic it looks.

Actually I found notepad editing the easiest way, because there were occasional issues with the editor and it always saved it in a format I did not like.

Edited by Duion
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If you say this imported better I would like to see what it was like before, since I cannot imagine it being any worse than this, basically everything is  broken. No idea why lighting does not affect terrain, I guess it is because they changed how terrain materials behave, I think the plan was to have them behave like regular materials, since previously terrain would not have specular, but only have regular shadows.

This scene reminds me why I gave up, it happened to me multiple times that after an update to the new version everything looked wrong and broken and I had to spend weeks or months to fix it.

Torque3D is now mostly developed by people who never developed and released a game, so they do not care if their "updates" break things, because they have no existing game that could be broken and most people here who are actrively developing games stopped updating and seem to have planned to use the old version until eternity.

Welcome to game development, now you can go through each issue and fix it all and do so every update.

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A few days ago I snikkered at the the thought of it actually being a problem with the terrain materials textures' dimensions or format , now Im definitely not so sure .


theres an ORM in the wet sand material but its having a weak affect . So , yea , there were size and format differences , these are all 512 PNG . nice day guys :)

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Right. so. Of note: blending was retooled a while back (4.0.3ish) by both request and several contributors getting together and submitting notions they themselves had actually used. ORM/Detail/Normal influences each have their own channel stuffed into an array. Which means all listed entries must match one another in entries, aka all norms must be the same dimensions, all Detail maps ect (though you can mix and match detail and norm/orm map sizes for those arrays) This allows one terrain draw step as opposed to multiple redraws and odd blend artifacts constantly re-creeping in. As an additional factor, the normal map alpha channel can be used for height influence modification of the standard blend curve. Oranges are typically a result of the No Texture placeholder texture showing up to tell you it can't find a given texture asset. You should also have been getting reports in your console logs about mismatches...

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My eyes hurt...

Yes I used different size layers for saving space and performance since not all layers need full resolution, usually just the detail layer, so look what textures are different scale and just upscale the others that are smaller, then it should work?!

Btw what happened to the lighthouse? Just missing textures?

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heres some proof...




switch right back to a PNG


I dont think Ive found the right textures for your lighthouse just yet Duion . Im also having trouble trying to use the original forest file and I imagine Ill have trouble with the NAV file . So . anyhow , ... HAVE A NICEY! 😄 .

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The lightouse uses the textures from the textures folder, you have to copy that in. So the issue was the DDS format? There were all kinds of different ways to save textures as DDS, so which one are you supposed to use now? Regarding the forest, you just have to add the items used in that level into the forest file and it will load, important is they need to have the exact same name that I used.

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I mean a documentary on how to do things like the old one, I will not browse through all changes just to figure out if the thing I want to touch has changed, ideally a wiki where everything is explained and then if something has changed it would just be a small update to change it in the wiki.

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Sure, but I don't actually know what you mean by "tell people beforehand what has changed"

The changelogs are ALWAYS posted when a new version of the engine is released, and the changelogs have been a thing since version 3.6.

So I'm not really sure what the expectation of action is?

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A changelog is pointless for example to figure out which dxt format you have to use now for which layer, I did not even bother to try to convert to the new version since converting hundreds of assets is something I don't have the time and nerves for and I was just hoping for someone to attempt to upgrade a few parts to the new system so I can see whats the difference is, but it seems nobody in the entire community has figured out how to do it yet.

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these are imported from uebergame 1120 to t3d 4.01 . the normals that wouldnt work are replaced with some random rock normal that does . details were lowered quite a lot . and .. exposure is 1 brightness is 2 . so ,  HAVE A NICE DAY!  So with the shapes and materials and levels working out at least as you see here , and with very little work , Im back at the imported forest file soon I guess , and HAVE A NICE DAY . 🙂

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