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Duion ,Im using windows 7 , is that a problem ? could using that old of an OS have any negative affects on say , running the editor in 4.xx .

I think this is several items , at least 2 , from the original forest file . Im thinking that the items must be arranged as the original item list was to get them all , or , perhaps items and brushes , maybe neither , IDK but this is still pritty kwel . and I admit I didnt match my new item list carefully to the readable items at the beginning of the encrypted forest file . Anyhow , you see that I still havent figured out the imposters , if anyone knows anything about this , itd be cooolio to get passed it . and Id like to THANK YOU ALL AND WISH YOU A VERY NICE DAY !


the imported skyboxes need work . dont know why , they were just "no material' images .


edited update ! . I think that just getting the brush and item file written correctly . IE EG or whatever .

new SimSet(ForestItemDataSet) {

   new TSForestItemData(palm_01_short) {
      internalName = "palm_01_short";
      ShapeAsset = "UEB:palm_01_short";
         originalAssetName = "palm_01_short";

new SimGroup(ForestBrushGroup) {

   new ForestBrushElement() {
      internalName = "palm_01_short";
      ForestItemData = "palm_01_short";

Im having to manually execute the manageddata files . and as I convolute well Im not really sure why . anyhow coolio eh Im looking forward to the ORMs quite soon I hope 🙂



Edited by fLUnKnhaXYU
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I keep spotting old bugs, maybe you can report them, since many of our "authorities" refuse to listen to me occasionally.

Look at the first image at the horizon there is a blue line while everything else is white, thats a bug, I think thats the fog layer that gets calculated wrong in some way so it gets darker instead of brighter, I reported this years ago as well as the vertex color bug on openGL you can see on the lighthouse, switch to directX render and see it will be red white again.

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a little tweaking of couple of those orm which were generated by materialize 2017 . I did the DX thing to see the pretty red lighthouse . a little adjusting of detail file strengths (WIP) and saved this postfxpreset file , also (WIP) but clearly better . probably needless to say , the forest wind works nicely . some levels are crashing on mission start and some not rendering the forest , etc . So thanks for a great suggestion , I think they look quite nice and fun , Im thinking of blending up a mini bike and having at a mini bike exploration sim . getting a real pussycat swallowtail vibe . or something . well , ok then , G'Day .



Edited by fLUnKnhaXYU
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No, it is a bug, it is related to the fog, the dark line is the fog height which accumulates into the distance and gets darker, but it should be bright the same as the surrounding, I think it was introduced in some update, it worked fine before.

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Skybox says no material so I guess texture is missing, its the only level I use a skybox for, its located somewhere in the art folder under art/skyboxes/ probably.

Regarding the imposters I still have no idea what you are actually trying to do, normally the imposters get generated automatically, all models even have Torque3D compatible node setup I think where it says how to generate them, so it should be all automatic.

Maybe it is because I removed the .dae files and imposters only get generated automatically on first import or so, but no idea, uploading the source files is still on my to do list, I think very old versions of Uebergame still have the source files, later I  removed them to save space.

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I think some imposter images were edited afterwards for better visuals and to avoid a bug, but this is another story, same goes for terrain basetexture for which I created a button to switch of auto generation.

Yes asset files are all in the art folder obviously, you can just open them in the Torque3D material or shape editor and see where the path is pointing, or you can open the materials.cs files and see what is needed, but the materials.cs files are in the same folder as the assets mostly.

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I don't see anything wrong with the skybox, its just a bit weird since I placed the real sun where the sun in the skybox is and then baked the shadows into the terrain base texture from that direction. You can always compare to how it looked before using the latest Uebergame version.

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