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Wow t28, nice, looks like real fun.

I just got around to fixing npc fighs in my game so that looks like a blast.

How are vehicle physics like in 4.0 for you, i never got to try properly.

I kinda screwed up my vehicles but i think it might be because of no bounding boxes on the models.

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On 2/23/2024 at 4:49 AM, fLUnKnhaXYU said:

CONGRATS you certainly must know your tanks , 4.0 vehicles seems to be typical torque3d . If you need help on setting up the model , I can make a few pics . If you need help with executing a wheeledVehicle datablock , I'll show you an example that should work .

A quick guide would be helpful for the model and datablock yes.

I also have been fortunate in coming across some very good vehicle models that everyone can use, they are early post war era vehicles.

I would be glad to share them once i have cleaned them up somewhat, which should be pretty soon.

My vehicles bounce around and properly configuring vehicles is such a hard job.

Anything that helps would help.


Good luck with your work btw, looking forward to see more.

I have a question tho, what is the gameplay like in your game?

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  • 3 weeks later...

My NEW quickfeet set is coming SOON! fyi half cylinder fronts and flat plane backside .



Code_Man , this is just a hobby , I dont have plans for any but I imagine first person adventure for most of it . I'm a fan of about any kind of gaming . and BTW , I intended to post a quick easy guide for preparing a vehicle and focusing a little on what I consider to be one of the funnest and coolest things about wheeled vehicles , the rigid body and spring/tire settings , that totally personalize the vehicle , when I ran into a little bit of a slowdown . Please keep the forums posted on your work . I got a couple pics ready to help (at least I intend to help) with getting over the basic learning curve if your interested  . thx and have a good'n

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Thats a very neat idea, looks funny as hell.

Yeah i gathered you didnt have much of a plan, but i suppose putting in some sort of gameplay of any sort and all the fancy stuff and call it a day is good too.

The springs/tires api in t3d is really sweet, i havent even started exploiting it, theres so much to do from damagable wheels to vehicle modding.

Its great to hear you have a guide coming up, i managed to sorta get some things working on my own, so i wont need it i guess.

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Code_Man , "looks funny as hell" , Thank You! and I appreciate that 👍 . I just use the binary but I fancy all of those settings being gathered with the GUI system and sorta managed on the "fly" if you will . But the datablock editor is kinda hard to beat for simplistics . 🙂

Gettiin ready to KNOCK'EM DOWN!


the bouncing boulder did make it halfway down the convex shape before falling through . this was the first try not the finished polished product tho . 

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Whats This! you know your classic cartoon car as well? What gives with your vast knowledge of those things Code_Man ?

oh, the lighting in the scene is in the empty _Terrain MIS which is in the testmaps module . you can get here if you want .

testmaps Module

here are other modules you can examine but they dont have any levels in them .

fpsplayer Module

fpsgameplay Module

fpsplayer Module

fpsequipment Module

inventory Module

noticesystem Module

if you use any just unzip it and put the extracted folder in the data folder and its ready to use . just start the game click single player and see the empty terrain level. the keymaps rebinding stuff seems to not be working right but you can still play the levels and look at the skatterSky settings and stuff also also there is a button for probes you might want to check out . have a good'n . 

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  • 2 weeks later...

who uses WorldMachine basic ? this was generated using T3D 4.01 to create a random terrain and exported heightmap and World Machine basics import and erosion "devices" all in about 2 min. tops . 🙂 and have a nice day .

EDIT : sorry , I left out the export "device" in World Machine to export the new height map which was then used for the terrain in T3D .



Edited by fLUnKnhaXYU
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I found terrain generators only come into play on larger terrains, like 1x1km or more, otherwise the difference is not really noticeable, biggest pro is probably that you save the time sculpting by hand. I would not be able to tell that you used a terrain generators it just looks like someone made random sculpting in the terrain, needs more erosion, well erosion is almost the only feature terrain generators do.

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I havent gotten around looking into it myself just yet either, but t3d does have a builtin random map generator, if i get around il try to put in a practical package.

Other possible solutions are also easy for me to do, but if im not careful it will be a mess and more work cleaning up after than the actual work.

Also do the characters have animations, i wonder how easy it is to rig those.

I downloaded lots of character models. but im neither a decent modeler nor animator so those stay in the storage.

Also your 2d flat nxzi soldier dudes gave me a very good idea, good thing korkchan already comes with t3d, i wanna see how far i can go with that.

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Duion , world machine saves me lots of time in getting a more real looking terrain . and I have a many hard time making terrains that I like and I feel that the program is a hugely beneficial . I think the T3D terrain editor is literally buggy so far as terrain settings in the editor setting , If I change the noise factor or smoothing factor to less than 1 prepends the address of the torque program I'm in , like all the way back to c:\. So , its sorta been a no go for me and I think DEVGRU will eventually hear it . but , to that , I admit that I wish I had the where-with-all and skill to do it myself .

Code_Man , I think the terrain generator is buggy , I suspect it has something to do with the terrain editor settings in the editor settings GUI . Make human 1.1.1 exports several armature configurations they work great but things aren't perfect in blender versions newer than 1.79 maybe I just haven't figure things out . the armatures are importing very small and
bone envelopes are relatively small however the game engine armature is 55 bones and weight painting is sort of obligatory any ways . But that aside there is no problem with creating a new T3D compatible armature for the meshes and be prepared to weight paint if you parent with automatic weights or empty groups . That's all blender jargon just transpose it to your 3d
app/s . makehuman 1.1.1 is absolute intuitive to use to its fullest in creating very lifelike human meshes .And I will be looking forward to your work with the KorkChan . your new work is looking great , really liking your materials and lighting .


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Just saying that I sculpted most of my smaller levels by hand in Torque3D, it was easier and faster that way and as said you will not notice a visible difference ingame on small maps. Small means below 1x1km, since at 1x1km and higher sculpting by hand takes too much time usually.

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