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PostFx library zip (garagegames file)


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Ive cried my eyes out that the link for the PostFx library in this post:



So what effects have we got then?



Blurred Vision

Dream View

Cross Stitch


Night Vision

Chromatic Aberration

RGB sliders

Zoom Blur (credit to Tuomas Kaukoranta for this one)


Black and White


Edge Detection


was a dead one. Had another try this evening at another cached URL site. It had a snapshot from 2016! Ill post if here so that it can be used by other in some way, just glad i finally got it.

Now if only i could get my hands on that saturation shader mentioned in some post...


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Don't worry I have backups of many of those things, just ask me and I will check. There was also some guy recently who hosted a backup collection of the resources from Garagegames thats where I got most of my backups of the resources from as well, no idea if it is still up.

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Don't worry I have backups of many of those things, just ask me and I will check. There was also some guy recently who hosted a backup collection of the resources from Garagegames thats where I got most of my backups of the resources from as well, no idea if it is still up.


You wouldnt happen to have the saturation shader mentioned in another thread at Garagegames forum?

Background story; i play BeamNG (based on T3d as you know) alot but thinks it lacks in gfx. Found that alot in the PostFx was broken so since ive fixed Tonemapping so that its working again, sorted the order of bloom and tonemapping, hardcoded SSAO quality to high (was aleays low or medium) so that the artifacts around edges of objects isnt as obvious though ive tried getting SSAO2 working but no luck yet. Also sorted alot in the bloom which had a weird offset compared to T3D but also given the MEAN value the possibility to have a negative value so that bloom can be centered on the blooming source, it always seemed to sit slightly above and left of the source before. Ive added a multipluer in the code for the Tonemapping (im using the old one, not the Uncharted 2 version which seems to not work no matter what i do) to get it to brigten the bright more than before, it felt like it always used to make the dark darker then it made the bright brighter. Alos sorted so that the PostFx window worls and also activated white cutoff :) Might have forgotten something but thats most of it! Now, tonemapping kinda desaturated the mid colors so thats where id like to get a saturation shader going :)

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Can you give me keywords or a Link to a website to know what to search for?

PS: The link to the old backup was http://abighole.hngamers.com/ but it is down now.


I realised it might not have been released, its mentioned here:


Also, the link you sent can be found using archive.org but couldnt get any of the few files i tried downloading to work though.

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Can you give me keywords or a Link to a website to know what to search for?

PS: The link to the old backup was http://abighole.hngamers.com/ but it is down now.


Have you heard anything about integrating SSAO2 in 4.0?

Im trying to get the shader working in BeamNG but im doing something wrong. Replaced COLOR with SV_TARGET. Copied each and every code tagged with RDM into the corresponding file in the BeamNG library but..

Not sure about what to do about the #include "shadergen:/autogenConditioners.h" code which i dont see in BeamNG shaders. I see some shadergen references ni their files but the code doesnt look the same so havent used that.

Also instead of referring to #include "./../../torque.hlsl" ive replaced that with "shaders/common/bge.hlsl" as this is how it seems to look for that file in BeamNGs library but im actually not sure if something it looks for in torque.hlsl isnt in bge.hlsl so that it wont work.

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if you ever need anything john has curated a list of torque resources thats where i got the link to the backup of the big hole resource



Thank you for sharing! Ive come across john page before but wasnt as into all this back then.

Do you know if anyone ever tried the liman shaders? Been trying to get a fresnel shader into BeamNG off and on for a long whiel and they seem to have one that should do it.

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