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Classic soldier model request


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Short story short, i need a good player model that would be compatible with that stock torquedude.

What i would need is a simple soldier with long overcoat and roundass steel helmet like in ww2, no fancy gimicks maybe a canteen is the most i need/want.

I cant pay anyone but im willing to do coding work or mapping or really all sorts of favors maybe in return.

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  • 4 months later...

I would not bother with that at least not with the stock soldier or anything related yes it has quite a high production value, but it is also complicated to understand, import and work with since it was made with 3dsmax and files tend to get corrupted in blender.

It took me 2 weeks of fulltime work to learn to model a player character with rig, texturing, animations and implementation into Torque, that would be the road to go, alternatively you can look into animation retargeting, you can do it in blender and retarged any animation to any rig, but I have not done it so far and may not work out that well since animations usually have to fit the model, you can see with the stock soldier that animations are redone with every weapon again. In the end making animations was not as hard as I thought since most animation is just setting a few poses and put a few keyframes and the engine will interpolate the rest, the most complicated thing was the walk/run cycle and relading a gun.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I bet, i tried to mix with some other characters, didnt go to well.

I looked at the files too, but its such a mess i never bothered much, i found a new model i can use to get a hang of animations and the like.

Basically i would be happy with just geometry even and might do the rest myself.

So far i have not done much with characters, but i have one i can understand and practice with animations so i can work my way from there i think.

I have no idea how im going to structure anims and the like and so far i have neither the need nor the concepts to really grasp.

However since t3d allows me to mix and match i would try to make seperate assorts for everything possible and see where that takes me.

Weapon animations will also take priority over characters so there is more i will need to do before i even get close to anything but if i had the geomtry it would be a good start.

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I can give you the source files for my paintballer model, sadly I never got to clean up my dev files so it is a work in progress version and sadly I deleted the original model and modeled my own model around it, otherwise it could be used as a general model.

Basically you get thte model, animate it and save all the animations on the ambient animation line and in the engine you can tell the engine which frames to which frames is which animation, it is very simple actually, the stock setup is way too complicated having a different animation for each weapon and one for first person and third person, I made all into one, saves a lot of work, but of course the end result is not that polished.

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I already got the painballer, you shared me in that other thread, its a nice model but not what im looking for, i will have use for it later on and its a good example to study for me.

Almost all of my models i port to collada and use that as my source format, its also nice because i can edit it by hand, im not good with model editors.

In time im sure i will clean up the default soldier somehow, but its okish for now, but the dude is just way too futuristic and armored, will make for good enemy in other games.

Maybe if i could give the paintballer a trenchcoat and helmet plus get rid of the mask i might be close, but its hard to say.

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I used a makehuman model and replaced parts piece by piece, the hands and shoes are still original, since hands are extremely hard to model and the face I just baked behind the visor so I did not have to deal with complicated facial feature like transparent eye leashes, teeth, eyeballs etc and animating them all.

I would strongly suggest to use makehuman, but I deleted most of the mesh since in makehuman if you add clothing you will have a clothing mesh and the body too and it quickly adds up the polygons and causes z-fighting glitches, I would say that is the only reliable workflow if you are not an expert in character modeling, decide for a workflow like what skeleton you chose and later all your animations will be interchangeable, you could also export a base mesh and add clothing on it in the engine like a character builder.

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