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Inventary & Paper Doll - Drag and Drop


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I was reading the Torque3d CookBook and went to implement the Inventory and Paper Doll system. But when I went to test: when I click and drag the bitmap, it disappears and the console sends the message "GuiDragAndDropControl::startDragging - GuiDragAndDropControl wasn't added to the gui before the drag started." ... I tried some forms of correction, but I can't solve it.

I went to give a research and I did not find anything related .... Has anyone tried to implement this system?

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What version of the Torque Cookbook do you have. I know I have an ebook of the cookbook. I want to make sure it is the same one as yours. I do not have mine at the moment, I have to get back to you later tonight or tomorrow.


the PDF version ... the year 2013.

Page 128 to 138.

When I can't solve a problem, I end up taking a break. I believe that I will find the solution.

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I have the cookbook as well and the things in there are very basic and not suitable for a production ready game, it just shows you an example on how to do it, the actual implementation you have to do yourself.


@DuionI know that ... I liked it because it talks a little more about the Drag and Drop system.

Regarding the problem, I managed to solve it. It was a simple syntax problem ... I ended up forgetting to implement Canvas at startup. lol

Thank you all.

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