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PAID! Need Help with current game Launcher


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Hello and thank you for looking.

Im looking for someone who can update the launcher in my current game that will remove the ability to access the console(players are using this to cheat)

also remove the ability to launch the game using the .exe file again people are using that to cheat by uploading their own update to the game.

if you can help it would greatly be appreciated and you will be compensated for your time..

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Not applying for the job, but I can give you some quick advice.

Some questions: What launcher do you mean? And what kind of cheats are people using? Is it a multiplayer game or single player?

First steps in solving this would be to remove the code from the game, meaning for example remove the files for the console.gui from the game, then to make sure, nobody is going to copy them back in, you have to remove them from the source code as well, but before you delete everything, having a console itself is not the primary issue, since many production ready games have them and you still cannot cheat with it.

So you have to look deeper what commands are available and when, then you have to change your game in a way, so that those commands can no longer be used.

If you spend som time describing the issue and where potential cheats are, people will help you for free and we can benefit from it, by updating the engine in a way to prevent cheating in the future.

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Not applying for the job, but I can give you some quick advice.

Some questions: What launcher do you mean? And what kind of cheats are people using? Is it a multiplayer game or single player?

First steps in solving this would be to remove the code from the game, meaning for example remove the files for the console.gui from the game, then to make sure, nobody is going to copy them back in, you have to remove them from the source code as well, but before you delete everything, having a console itself is not the primary issue, since many production ready games have them and you still cannot cheat with it.

So you have to look deeper what commands are available and when, then you have to change your game in a way, so that those commands can no longer be used.

If you spend som time describing the issue and where potential cheats are, people will help you for free and we can benefit from it, by updating the engine in a way to prevent cheating in the future.


Thank you for your response.

In short the game is a multiplayer game. The launcher I’m speaking of is what updates the game and what you click play on to start the game. Rather then just using the .exe file to manually start the game.

As far as the console goes. People are using it to teleport places. Create ghost logins through session id’s to duplicate gold through double trades from the same account and a few other things. I will create a list with the developers and get you more detailed information. Again I thank you for your time.

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Sounds like a major design flaw, clients should never be allowed to do such things and I thought Torque is server authoritative, well probably you are using another version of the engine and/or a heavily modified one.

It will probably require some major redesign how the game works.

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  • 1 month later...

Apologies for late reply.

You can disable the console in game/main.cs by changing setLogMode from 6 to 0.


// Default to a new logfile each session.
if( !$logModeSpecified )
   if( $platform !$= "xbox" && $platform !$= "xenon" )


However a client could just turn it back so probably best to remove it and set it to zero in C++ (search for wherever setlogmode gets logged). If the client is seperate from the server they shouldn't be able to access server-side functions as is.

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