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Old GarageGames Art Pack Locations


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Does anyone here know if the old GarageGames Art Packs are available somewhere else? The ones such as the Alien Art Pack (and combo), the Zombie Art Pack, etc. Garagegames.com seems to have been all but abandoned, and the shopping cart and checkout no longer functions.

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When Garagegames abandoned their Github as well, the previously private repos became public, so there they are.

Regarding if they are open source, I don't know, in some cases the assets have been released with the demos like Pacific, Chinatown etc, but in other cases not, so use at your own risk.

The content not from Garagegames on Garagegames is probably gone, maybe you can track down the original creators.

All in all I would not even bother that much with the assets, they are old and outdated and if you are serious with game development, making your own assets will usually be your lesser problem.

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