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Hello i decided to use this time to dust off all my old TGE tools and just make some old fashion TGE games. I never made my THEM version of TGE into a full fledge game

so thats what i will prbly make with TGE.


running around blasting giant ants was pretty fun with Kork so going to just recreate that plain old fun. 😄

since this is the Old TGE section I will post my progress here. I know Torque3d has advanced but I am not trying to make Fortnite or anything like that LOL.



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Inspire by the old B movies, them and the 50ft whatever’s, and They came from the wherever type movies. Also the old cinema-ware game IT CAME FROM THE DESERT no 1 I didn’t care for the sequel.

I am going to go with TGE strengths deep down its strongest bones are still FPS shooter. I am not going to try and innovate the core gameplay. I will not limited myself either, I have many add-ons I built up over the decade and will use them

I made the first demo with the following tools:

Stock TGE 1.5.2

USAIK kit for 1.5.2- A.I. to spawn the mobs to give the player something to Zap

Cartography Shop V4.1 /w DIF exporter Plugin from SICKHEAD Games. The Maze in the Demo Test

TED v6 Terrain Editor - for exported Terrain Height Maps I still have to manually paint them In TGE 1.5.2

Would a person need these with the current version of T3D? Answer: No


/T3D has access to far superior pipelines so this isn’t about comparing old to new LOL //

Gameplay Description:

Kork must enter the down under below beneath place to stop the source of the giant biters (I don’t think orcs would call them ants )

Many orcs, have gone before him, only to perish at the bite of the crushing mandibles of the voracious creatures.

You will find food packs and healing herbs dropped by those who came before. Will he succeed.

I don’t game jam but I will give myself a week (starting Saturday :) ) to have something playable for a new video to post

Keep safe all during these co-vid times. 

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PART ONE - Level Creation


No need to reinvent the wheel here 😄 on the old TGE site. The fantastic guide by Steve Yorkshire is great to follow along as a guide to building a quick FPS game with T3D or any version of Torque if you’re very familiar with the workings of putting a Mission level together.


I will start by designing the Level One-starting area using my old TEDv6.0 Software. I will have to insert pictures later.

I want the Orc village to be surrounded by large hills with places to put my spawning giant ants on the other sides. This level will contain the basics things a player needs before venturing into levels dominated by the ants.


The Orcs have a fortress village AI guards posted to repel the few spawn ants I will put around the village.

This will complete DAY ONE

I dusted off my milkshape and fired up the Showtool to make sure I still know how to do DTS Buildings w/LODs of course. I use the 3d Bitgem Modular desert building models. 


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Time to get back to work :)
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PART TWO - Art Creation

I did not create any custom artwork I use:

Kork- Stock Main Player character

Dwarf Model- You can get him from Psionic3d site.

Elf Sorceress- Stock Character

Barbarian Girl Found her on sketchfab but she needs a lot reworking to be TGE compatible she too hi-poly but she does kinda fit the Kork-verse

I been looking for another female character to balance it out but not just another Elf so I been digging the free 3d Sites looking for another :D

I have a plugin called DOIT by Eb that can auto-rig DTS characters but I have long since rebuild another PC so it currently doesnt work with the right reg key,but I learned a lot just

by studying the schematic and can rig low-poly characters myself or just study the elf or kork rigs. But man that plugin made things push button easy. :lol:

Wont have any pics till this thing is done tho but I will go back and edited in the details :)

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I welcome you to this site. I asked for this site to be started because I am a die hard TGE fan and enjoy over T3D. To be transparent I do use other engines like Godot, Unity, and Lumberyard, but TGE is my favorite for FPS and RPGs. Because I play around so much, I haven't done much usefulness with Torque as I would like to.

Based on your last two posts, it seems like you will be a much needed welcome addition to these sites. I'm interested to know why you like TGE instead of T3D or other, what tools you have and are willing to share. I will share mine.

BTW, look out for me on YouTube soon. The title of my series will be 'GameDev Diaries with Crazy Scorpion'.

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Thaniks I know what you mean, right there when tGE 1.5.2 was finalized and stable there was a lot of things going for it. The successful add-ons, 2 MMO's power by torque tech were successful in there own ways. I played them both even with the WARCrack game still going on.

I always had TGE loaded in the background on my older Windows PC so I was always dabbling with it all this time.

I made silly games for the kids and mines to play on clunky pcs they ate them up. but I stuck to TGE fps style. I make PC friendly stuff for them shooting balloons creatures and even junk food. I never made them call of duty type stuff.

To make a new game I just change the graphics, scenery and plop in some new DOIT powered models .TGE was smooth then the master server with down, and most ppl moved on the other engines, I dabble with shiva3d and Unity3d. as well

I mostly have all the tools that benefited a TGE game. Just PM me if you need the detailed list. :D I got the multigame starter kit on one of my own pcs somewhere and a working copy of the combat starter kit.. I know the awesome torque site could use them for future archives so I will keep looking for them. :lol: I know I got them

Looking forward to seeing that youtube channel as well. I will putting a few videos up myself for old TGE stuff.

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Thanks ProgrammerJ2,

I am about 3 months from completing my first commercial game for TGE (estimated) that will be called 'Johnny Trouble'.

AS of now, I use many of the popular free tools on the market.




Torque Constructor

for level creation. If you have been using TGE all these years, I am sure you have heard of them.

Right now, I am on the hunt for a .dTS and .DSQ exporter as well as a sound and speech editor. I have Ultimate Unwrap that supports .DTS exporting that I have been trying to register, but family and creditors need my money more than I do. UU only costs $60.00 to register. Then there is Milkshape that has been around for years.

As for terrain creation, you can get no better than the one included with TGE. In fact, I think it is better than the one included with T3D. However, when I want to get fancy, I use L3DT for terrain editing.

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PART TWO(b) - Art Creation

Creature Feature:

I am satisfied with the player character models. I want to gather of the mobs. There are still some websites that carry DTS ready models. very few

Ant - Psionic3d.uk its on the new site but I had already got it wihen he was a freebie on his old site

Scorpion 3Drt.com its on the freebie download area and DTS ready for old TGE

Hunting for 3 more creatures to add for filler: Spider, Beetle, insect types:


I have Milkshape3d I have no idea whats going on behind the scene with Milkshape nowadays

I think Audacity is still free for sound and speech work

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don't mean to distract you but , since you didn't mention blender 2.49b and the blenderDTSexporter_097beta3 just made me want to remind you that they are still available . Blender has a nice decimation modifier you could try on models with too many vertices , Last time I checked maybe a year or so ago Audacity had a pretty neat new version . Reaper also offers a great program for audio , its not free but not expensive in the 60 70 Dollar range , provides free updates highly regarded tools and a more than generous evaluation policy , So, I realize you're already busy with this , and new software can be such a joy to learn .

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@ fLUnKnhaXYU No problem I actually forgot there was one for blender.

I still have Milkshape3d and Max 7 running on a XP PC I use for all my dts creations

I have loaded my TGE 1.5.2 + UAIK combo and will use this version as the base for my Demo Game: I will start adding and re-editing with pics this next round. :)

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@ fLUnKnhaXYU

Thanks for the tip. Of course I was already aware of that info. The problem I'm Having is that I have a hard time updating the version to the latest version of Blender which is now in 2.91. If there is a download link for 2.49 of Blender, I guess I wouldn't mind using that.

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Bsisko - here are a few posts . I just keep a Blender folder and separate version folders in it . I dont do it the official way though so IDK .

blender stackexchange post on updating blender


cgcookie post about using the zip archive for using multiple different versions


link to preveious versions


link to 249b


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