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terrain height ?


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hello , Im back . I have questions concerning terrain height and terrain mesh editing .

1. Is their a height limit ? I cant seem to get more than 1024 .

2. Does terrainBlock::setScale work ? I have tried to change the scale but getScale result is always 1 1 1 .

3. I want to clear terrain faces of only a certain angle but I cant find any sort of masking/selecting options for the terrain .

these issues have been encountered while trying to create a rather challenging (for me anyhow) terrain which will require a height of 2400'ish meters .

Thank You for your very valuable time and have a good ol' day 🙂

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1) There's a fidelity limit, which translates to a height limit, though I suppose one could try stacking multiple terrain blocks?

2) Not at present

3) There's a min/max slope angle for *painting* brushes but yeah, doesn't seem to be applying at present to the slope brushes/removals. 
so will try and have a look over that as time allows. no promises.

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So resorting to this witchery is a little embarrassing but . 1024 (height limit) / 2400.4 (desired height) .4266 . So , 32 (square size) * .4266 , models (character etc..) scaled to .4266 . MUAHAHA! i hadn't re-scaled terrain texture detail at the time of the taking of this pic .  😯


i saw a couple reddit posts discussing some of the issues being faced by developers concerning this height fidelity stuff which were relatively recent , say 5 years'ish  , so maybe this some viable hackey sloosh 😉👍. in the meantime , TY again Azaezel .

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