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program crashes in opengGL runs in DX


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So, Im no pro by any means . I have a 4.01 binary with the example module . Im loading a 4096 heightmap . thats pretty much the extent of the setup . Ive loaded the terrain and saved the level . It opens with dx11 and crashes with the OGL . I probably wouldnt have noticed but I was trying out some new pbr terrain mats which had ogl normals . Thank You For Your Time .

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the model , default tree


typical imposter gen (ymmv)


the imposter made using OGL


the DX imposter


OpenGL naterial previews


DX material previews


you/I can also see a very noticeable difference in the terrain materials used in the rendered scene .

sorry , no pic , but , its very easy to notice . and thank you so much Azaezel . you know , the console log text was so void of info that even though I thought about posting some I felt it'd be useless . But Im an idiot , I'll look at it again . and thank you again .

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"The Console Log"

a valentine classic novel sooooooon to begin !


//---------------==================OPENGL VERSION<----------------


//--------------------------- 1/15/2025 -- 12:33:20 -----
Processor Init:
   Processor: AMD A6-3620 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
      MMX detected
      SSE detected
      SSE2 detected
      SSE3 detected
   MultiCore CPU detected [4 cores, 4 logical]
Math Init:
   Installing Standard C extensions
   Installing Assembly extensions
   Installing FPU extensions
   Installing MMX extensions
   Installing SSE extensions
Initializing platform...
Input Init:

DebugDrawer Enabled!
GFX Init:
   Null device found
   Direct 3D (version 11.x) device found
   OpenGL device found

Console trace disabled.
AssetManager::addModuleDeclaredAssets() - No assets found at location 'core/utility/' with extension 'asset.taml'.
AssetManager::addModuleDeclaredAssets() - No assets found at location 'core/lighting/' with extension 'asset.taml'.
AssetManager::addModuleDeclaredAssets() - No assets found at location 'core/sfx/' with extension 'asset.taml'.

--------- Parsing Arguments ---------
Attempting to create GFX device: GeForce GT 610/PCIe/SSE2 OpenGL []
Device created, setting adapter and enumerating modes
Initializing GFXCardProfiler (OpenGL)
   o Chipset : 'NVIDIA Corporation'
   o Card    : 'GeForce GT 610/PCIe/SSE2'
   o Version : '3.3.0 NVIDIA 387.92'
   o VRAM    : 2048 MB
   - Scanning card capabilities...
GFXCardProfiler (OpenGL) - Setting capability 'maxTextureWidth' to 16384.
GFXCardProfiler (OpenGL) - Setting capability 'maxTextureHeight' to 16384.
GFXCardProfiler (OpenGL) - Setting capability 'maxTextureSize' to 16384.
GFXCardProfiler (OpenGL) - Setting capability 'GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic' to 1.
GFXCardProfiler (OpenGL) - Setting capability 'GL_ARB_buffer_storage' to 1.
GFXCardProfiler (OpenGL) - Setting capability 'GL_ARB_texture_storage' to 1.
GFXCardProfiler (OpenGL) - Setting capability 'GL_ARB_copy_image' to 1.
GFXCardProfiler (OpenGL) - Setting capability 'GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding' to 1.
GFXCardProfiler (OpenGL) - Setting capability 'GL_KHR_debug' to 1.
GFXCardProfiler (OpenGL) - Setting capability 'GL_EXT_debug_marker' to 0.
   - Loading card profiles...
Attempting to set resolution to "1366 768 0 32 60 4"
Accepted Mode:
--Resolution     : 1366 768
--Screen Mode    : Windowed
--Bits Per Pixel : 32
--Refresh Rate   : 60
--Anit-Aliasing Type     : SMAA High

SFXSystem::createDevice - failed creating OpenAL device 'OpenAL Soft'
| OpenAL Version: 1.1

| Device info for: OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
| OpenAL Version: 1.1
ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFT_device_clock ALC_SOFT_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFT_loopback_bformat ALC_SOFT_output_limiter ALC_SOFT_pause_device
| Max Sources: 255
SFXSystem::createDevice - created OpenAL device 'Realtek High Definition Audio'
   Provider: OpenAL
   Device: OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
   Hardware: No
   Max Buffers: 255
UDP initialized on ipv4 IP:
Asset Manager: Encountered asset Id 'ToolsModule:EditorSettingsWindow,EditorGuiGroup' in asset file 'tools/worldEditor/gui/EditorSettingsWindow,EditorGuiGroup.asset.taml' but it conflicts with existing asset Id in asset file 'tools/gui/EditorSettingsWindow,EditorGuiGroup.asset.taml'.
AssetManager::addModuleDeclaredAssets() - No assets found at location 'core/clientServer/' with extension 'asset.taml'.

--------- Initializing Directory: scripts ---------

--------- Initializing Torque3D: Client Scripts ---------

Initializing Lighting Systems
RenderParticleMgr::_initShader - failed to locate shader ParticlesShaderData!
RenderParticleMgr::_initShader - failed to locate shader OffscreenParticleCompositeShaderData!
Attempting to set resolution to "1366 768 0 32 60 4"
Accepted Mode:
--Resolution     : 1366 768
--Screen Mode    : Windowed
--Bits Per Pixel : 32
--Refresh Rate   : 60
--Anit-Aliasing Type     : SMAA High
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXDefaultGUIProfile,GFXGuiCursorProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXDefaultGUIProfile,GFXGuiCursorProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXGuiCursorProfile,GFXDefaultGUIProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXGuiCursorProfile,GFXDefaultGUIProfile)
MaterialAsset: Unable to find the Material UnderWaterBasicShader
Asset Manager: > Failed to acquire asset Id 'Core_Rendering:NoMaterial' as loading the asset file failed to return the asset or the correct asset type: 'core/rendering/materials/NoMaterial.asset.taml'.
ImageAsset::getAssetById - Finding of asset with id Core_Rendering:NoMaterial failed with no fallback asset
Material(ReflectProbePreviewMat)::_setDiffuseMap(0) - Couldn't load image "Core_Rendering:NoMaterial"
MaterialAsset: Unable to find the Material UnderWaterShader
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXDefaultGUIProfile,GFXStaticTextureSRGBProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXDefaultGUIProfile,GFXStaticTextureSRGBProfile)
MaterialAsset: Unable to find the Material materialEd_previewMaterial
MaterialAsset: Unable to find the Material WaterBasicShader
Warning, overwriting material for: NoMaterial
MaterialAsset: Unable to find the Material materialEd_justAlphaMaterial
Activating Input...
Engine initialized...
Window focus status changed: focus: 1
AntiAliasing has been disabled; it is not compatible with AdvancedLighting.
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXStaticTextureSRGBProfile,GFXDefaultGUIProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXStaticTextureSRGBProfile,GFXDefaultGUIProfile)

--------- Initializing Torque3D: Server Scripts ---------
Exporting server prefs...
Asset Manager: Failed to acquire asset Id 'Core_GameObjects:Camera' as it does not exist.
*** Stage 1 load
Asset Manager: Failed to acquire asset Id './car.dae' as it does not exist.
[MaterialList::mapMaterials] Unable to find material for texture: warning_material
*** Stage 2 load
*** Mission loaded
Connect request from: IP:
Connection established 17540
CADD: 17541 local
<<<< saving server datablock cache >>>>
    <<<< sending CRC to client: 747312898 >>>>
*** Sending mission load to client: ExampleModule:GC_01
Mapping string: ServerMessage to index: 0
Mapping string: MsgConnectionError to index: 1
Mapping string: MsgLoadInfo to index: 2
Mapping string: MsgLoadInfoDone to index: 3
Mapping string: MissionStartPhase1 to index: 4
*** New Mission: GC_01
*** Phase 1: Download Datablocks & Targets
% - PostFX Manager - Executing data/ExampleModule/levels/granCanLevels/LVLgranCan_000/GC_01.postfxpreset.tscript
<<<< client cache CRC: 747312898 >>>>
<<<< comparing CRC codes: s:747312898 c:747312898 >>>>
<<<< cache CRC codes match, datablocks will be loaded from local cache. >>>>
Mapping string: MissionStartPhase1Ack_UseCache to index: 0
<<<< client will load datablocks from a cache >>>>
    <<<< skipping datablock transmission >>>>
Mapping string: MissionStartPhase1_LoadCache to index: 5
<<<< Loading Datablocks From Cache >>>>
<<<< Finished Loading Datablocks From Cache >>>>
*** Phase 2: Download Ghost Objects

//---------------==================OPENGL VERSION<----------------END

//---------------==================OPENGL VERSION<----------------END

//---------------==================OPENGL VERSION<----------------END






//---------------==================DIRECTX VERSION<----------------


//-------------------------- 1/15/2025 -- 12:26:09 -----
Processor Init:
   Processor: AMD A6-3620 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
      MMX detected
      SSE detected
      SSE2 detected
      SSE3 detected
   MultiCore CPU detected [4 cores, 4 logical]
Math Init:
   Installing Standard C extensions
   Installing Assembly extensions
   Installing FPU extensions
   Installing MMX extensions
   Installing SSE extensions
Initializing platform...
Input Init:

DebugDrawer Enabled!
GFX Init:
   Null device found
   Direct 3D (version 11.x) device found
   OpenGL device found

Console trace disabled.
AssetManager::addModuleDeclaredAssets() - No assets found at location 'core/utility/' with extension 'asset.taml'.
AssetManager::addModuleDeclaredAssets() - No assets found at location 'core/lighting/' with extension 'asset.taml'.
AssetManager::addModuleDeclaredAssets() - No assets found at location 'core/sfx/' with extension 'asset.taml'.

--------- Parsing Arguments ---------
Attempting to create GFX device: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 (D3D11) []
Device created, setting adapter and enumerating modes
Hardware occlusion query detected: Yes
WMIVideoInfo: DxDiag initialized
Initializing GFXCardProfiler (Direct3D11)
   o Chipset : 'NVIDIA'
   o Card    : 'NVIDIA GeForce GT 610'
   o Version : ''
   o VRAM    : 2000 MB
   - Scanning card capabilities...
GFXCardProfiler (Direct3D11) - Setting capability 'maxTextureWidth' to 16384.
GFXCardProfiler (Direct3D11) - Setting capability 'maxTextureHeight' to 16384.
GFXCardProfiler (Direct3D11) - Setting capability 'maxTextureSize' to 16384.
   - Loading card profiles...
Attempting to set resolution to "1366 768 0 32 60 4"
Accepted Mode:
--Resolution     : 1366 768
--Screen Mode    : Windowed
--Bits Per Pixel : 32
--Refresh Rate   : 60
--Anit-Aliasing Type     : SMAA High

SFXSystem::createDevice - failed creating OpenAL device 'OpenAL Soft'
| OpenAL Version: 1.1

| Device info for: OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
| OpenAL Version: 1.1
ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFT_device_clock ALC_SOFT_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFT_loopback_bformat ALC_SOFT_output_limiter ALC_SOFT_pause_device
| Max Sources: 255
SFXSystem::createDevice - created OpenAL device 'Realtek High Definition Audio'
   Provider: OpenAL
   Device: OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
   Hardware: No
   Max Buffers: 255
UDP initialized on ipv4 IP:
Asset Manager: Encountered asset Id 'ToolsModule:EditorSettingsWindow,EditorGuiGroup' in asset file 'tools/worldEditor/gui/EditorSettingsWindow,EditorGuiGroup.asset.taml' but it conflicts with existing asset Id in asset file 'tools/gui/EditorSettingsWindow,EditorGuiGroup.asset.taml'.
AssetManager::addModuleDeclaredAssets() - No assets found at location 'core/clientServer/' with extension 'asset.taml'.

--------- Initializing Directory: scripts ---------

--------- Initializing Torque3D: Client Scripts ---------

Initializing Lighting Systems
RenderParticleMgr::_initShader - failed to locate shader ParticlesShaderData!
RenderParticleMgr::_initShader - failed to locate shader OffscreenParticleCompositeShaderData!
Attempting to set resolution to "1366 768 0 32 60 4"
Accepted Mode:
--Resolution     : 1366 768
--Screen Mode    : Windowed
--Bits Per Pixel : 32
--Refresh Rate   : 60
--Anit-Aliasing Type     : SMAA High
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXDefaultGUIProfile,GFXGuiCursorProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXDefaultGUIProfile,GFXGuiCursorProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXGuiCursorProfile,GFXDefaultGUIProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXGuiCursorProfile,GFXDefaultGUIProfile)
MaterialAsset: Unable to find the Material UnderWaterBasicShader
Asset Manager: > Failed to acquire asset Id 'Core_Rendering:NoMaterial' as loading the asset file failed to return the asset or the correct asset type: 'core/rendering/materials/NoMaterial.asset.taml'.
ImageAsset::getAssetById - Finding of asset with id Core_Rendering:NoMaterial failed with no fallback asset
Material(ReflectProbePreviewMat)::_setDiffuseMap(0) - Couldn't load image "Core_Rendering:NoMaterial"
MaterialAsset: Unable to find the Material UnderWaterShader
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXDefaultGUIProfile,GFXStaticTextureSRGBProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXDefaultGUIProfile,GFXStaticTextureSRGBProfile)
MaterialAsset: Unable to find the Material materialEd_previewMaterial
MaterialAsset: Unable to find the Material WaterBasicShader
Warning, overwriting material for: NoMaterial
MaterialAsset: Unable to find the Material materialEd_justAlphaMaterial
Activating Input...
Engine initialized...
Window focus status changed: focus: 1
AntiAliasing has been disabled; it is not compatible with AdvancedLighting.
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXStaticTextureSRGBProfile,GFXDefaultGUIProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXStaticTextureSRGBProfile,GFXDefaultGUIProfile)

--------- Initializing Torque3D: Server Scripts ---------
Exporting server prefs...
Asset Manager: Failed to acquire asset Id 'Core_GameObjects:Camera' as it does not exist.
*** Stage 1 load
Asset Manager: Failed to acquire asset Id './car.dae' as it does not exist.
[MaterialList::mapMaterials] Unable to find material for texture: warning_material
*** Stage 2 load
*** Mission loaded
Connect request from: IP:
Connection established 17554
CADD: 17555 local
<<<< saving server datablock cache >>>>
    <<<< sending CRC to client: 747312898 >>>>
*** Sending mission load to client: ExampleModule:GC_01
Mapping string: ServerMessage to index: 0
Mapping string: MsgConnectionError to index: 1
Mapping string: MsgLoadInfo to index: 2
Mapping string: MsgLoadInfoDone to index: 3
Mapping string: MissionStartPhase1 to index: 4
*** New Mission: GC_01
*** Phase 1: Download Datablocks & Targets
% - PostFX Manager - Executing data/ExampleModule/levels/granCanLevels/LVLgranCan_000/GC_01.postfxpreset.tscript
<<<< client cache CRC: 747312898 >>>>
<<<< comparing CRC codes: s:747312898 c:747312898 >>>>
<<<< cache CRC codes match, datablocks will be loaded from local cache. >>>>
Mapping string: MissionStartPhase1Ack_UseCache to index: 0
<<<< client will load datablocks from a cache >>>>
    <<<< skipping datablock transmission >>>>
Mapping string: MissionStartPhase1_LoadCache to index: 5
<<<< Loading Datablocks From Cache >>>>
<<<< Finished Loading Datablocks From Cache >>>>
*** Phase 2: Download Ghost Objects
Mapping string: MissionStartPhase2Ack to index: 1
[Material::mapMaterial] - Cannot map unnamed Material
[Material::mapMaterial] - Cannot map unnamed Material
Mapping string: Prototyping:FloorGray to index: 6
Mapping string: Core_Rendering:BlankSkyMat to index: 7
Ghost Always objects received.
Mapping string: MissionStartPhase3 to index: 8
Client Replication Startup has Happened!
*** Phase 3: Mission Lighting
Mission lighting done
Mapping string: MissionStartPhase3Ack to index: 2
Mapping string: SyncClock to index: 9
clientCmdSyncClock: Unknown command.
Mapping string: MsgClientJoin to index: 10
Mapping string: Welcome to the Torque demo app %1. to index: 11
Mapping string: Visitor to index: 12
  +- a: Welcome to the Torque demo app Visitor.
Mapping string: MissionStart to index: 13
*** Initial Control Object
*** Control Object Changed
 % - Initializing Tools
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXStaticTextureSRGBProfile,GFXGuiCursorProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXStaticTextureSRGBProfile,GFXGuiCursorProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXGuiCursorProfile,GFXDefaultGUIProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXGuiCursorProfile,GFXDefaultGUIProfile)
 % - Initializing Tools Base
 % - Initializing Base Editor
 % - Initializing World Editor
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXDefaultGUIProfile,GFXGuiCursorProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXDefaultGUIProfile,GFXGuiCursorProfile)
 % - Initializing Asset Browser
TamlXmlParser::parse() - Could not open filename 'tools/assetBrowser/searchCollectionSets.xml' for parse.
 % - Initializing Sketch Tool
 - Initializing Datablock Editor
 % - Initializing Debugger
 % - Initializing Decal Editor
 % - Initializing Forest Editor
 % - Initializing Gui Editor
 % - Initializing Material Editor
Set::add: Object "matEd_cubemapEditor" doesn't exist to add to EditorGui
 % - Initializing Mesh Road Editor
 % - Initializing Mission Area Editor
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture tools/missionAreaEditor/images/DefaultHandle has different profile flags: (GFXStaticTextureSRGBProfile,GFXDefaultGUIProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture tools/missionAreaEditor/images/DefaultHandle has different profile flags: (GFXStaticTextureSRGBProfile,GFXDefaultGUIProfile)
 % - Initializing Navigation Editor
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXGuiCursorProfile,GFXDefaultGUIProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXGuiCursorProfile,GFXDefaultGUIProfile)
 % - Initializing Particle Editor
 % - Initializing Physics Tools
No physics plugin exists.
 % - Initializing Project Importer
 % - Initializing River Editor
 - Initializing Road and Path Editor
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXDefaultGUIProfile,GFXGuiCursorProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXDefaultGUIProfile,GFXGuiCursorProfile)
 % - Initializing Shape Editor
Missing file: tools/Controller/main.tscript!
Missing file: tools/Events/main.tscript!
Missing file: tools/Groups/main.tscript!
Missing file: tools/Inspector/main.tscript!
Missing file: tools/Fields/main.tscript!
Missing file: tools/Tracks/main.tscript!
Missing file: tools/Torque/main.tscript!
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXGuiCursorProfile,GFXDefaultGUIProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXGuiCursorProfile,GFXDefaultGUIProfile)
Module Manager: Found module: 'tools/tools.module' but it is in a module group 'tools' which has already been loaded.
Module Manager: Cannot load group 'tools' as it is already loaded.
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXDefaultGUIProfile,GFXStaticTextureSRGBProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXDefaultGUIProfile,GFXStaticTextureSRGBProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXStaticTextureSRGBProfile,GFXDefaultGUIProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/missingTexture has different profile flags: (GFXStaticTextureSRGBProfile,GFXDefaultGUIProfile)
Could not create a description for binding: +
Could not create a description for binding: +
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/warnMat has different profile flags: (GFXStaticTextureSRGBProfile,GFXDefaultGUIProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/warnMat has different profile flags: (GFXStaticTextureSRGBProfile,GFXDefaultGUIProfile)
Time spent in toggleEditor() : 3.376 s
AssetBrowser::populatePreviewImages() - Previews to generate: 0
GuiTreeViewCtrl::scrollVisible - was unable to find specified item in visible list!
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/warnMat has different profile flags: (GFXDefaultGUIProfile,GFXStaticTextureSRGBProfile)
GFXTextureManager::_lookupTexture: Cached texture core/rendering/images/warnMat has different profile flags: (GFXDefaultGUIProfile,GFXStaticTextureSRGBProfile)
Exporting server prefs...
Exporting server prefs...
Exporting client prefs
Exporting server prefs

//---------------==================DIRECTX VERSION<----------------END

//---------------==================DIRECTX VERSION<----------------END

//---------------==================DIRECTX VERSION<----------------END

Edited by fLUnKnhaXYU
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there are no materials in this program folder . I just used it to build this Grand Canyon terrain using the SRTM elevation map . I needed to restart a lot so I left things out to speed it up a little . However : it crashes in other folders which have lots of materials and shapes . anyhow this is the material being used in this situation (the no material in core/rendering(i think)).


So, you mentioned fixing some imposter stuff and I want to mention that the shape editor does not make good imposters with poles using OGL , seems the pole images are out of place . The DX ones are good . TY

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Azaezel , these are unedited freePBR , which specify OGL  normal's  , the bottom pic uses a normal that I flipped with Materialize .

dx graphic - OGL normal


OGL graphic - OGL normal


OGL graphic - OGL normal flipped Y (DX normal , i guess)


these are just to show the diffy in appearance . this loads great in DX or OGL . in a set-up for building materials .  Have A Great Day !



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I'll note we've done multiple follow-ups since 4.0.1 regarding the blend end of things for terrain, so can't say I'm terribly shocked on *that* front. The reported crash with a lack of any gl compiler errors spewed out though is more than a little concerning...

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Well , Ive done it again . let me riterate , my heightMap was 4096 x 4096 , I also had selected 4096 terrain resoloosh , sorta maxin' out . I resized , by GIMP , my heightmap to 512 , selected 512 terrain reso and WAAALAAAAH!


yea so I adjusted the square size to 48 . Ill set it to 48 x .4 to get the scale I desire , soon enough .

resolved on my end Boys . TY so much for your time .

BTW thanks for the nifty new 4.03 binary , I just found it today . 🙂 have a nice day .

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