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NEED HELP, how to add a self-defined input device


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Hi everyone,

I am new to Torque3D.

We have developed a input device simillar to Oculus, and we want to add our input's SDK to Torque3D so the game created by Torque3D would work with our device.

I would like to know how to add out SDK.

I check the current version (3.7) which supports Leapmotion, and Oculus. However, I am blocked at some points when reading the codes. I would like to know a general way, or steps, then I can learn it myself. But I dont know where to start.

Hope somebody can help me, and thx in advance.

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I never did finish the Myo implementation (biggest issue was that it was queueing data when game was minimized) but you can find my implementation here.

Alternately I simplified it to show the gist of it here. (Untested code)

I am by no means a guru of input devices, so I'm not much of a help, but that should give you somewhere to begin. What I did was to simply copy and paste the LeapMotion code, and replace the all the Leap stuff (you'll find residue in there though because I never cleaned it properly).


That should, btw, bind "orientation" to the "xxx" device, used like this in TorqueScript:

moveMap.bind( xxx, orientation, orientationReceived);


function printOrientation(%roll, %pitch, %yaw, %angle)
   echo(%roll SPC %pitch SPC %yaw SPC %angle);
GlobalActionMap.bind(xxx, orientation, printOrientation);
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I never did finish the Myo implementation (biggest issue was that it was queueing data when game was minimized) but you can find my implementation here.

Alternately I simplified it to show the gist of it here. (Untested code)

I am by no means a guru of input devices, so I'm not much of a help, but that should give you somewhere to begin. What I did was to simply copy and paste the LeapMotion code, and replace the all the Leap stuff (you'll find residue in there though because I never cleaned it properly).


That should, btw, bind "orientation" to the "xxx" device, used like this in TorqueScript:

moveMap.bind( xxx, orientation, orientationReceived);


function printOrientation(%roll, %pitch, %yaw, %angle)
   echo(%roll SPC %pitch SPC %yaw SPC %angle);
GlobalActionMap.bind(xxx, orientation, printOrientation);


Thanks, I will chek it.

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I never did finish the Myo implementation (biggest issue was that it was queueing data when game was minimized) but you can find my implementation here.

Alternately I simplified it to show the gist of it here. (Untested code)

I am by no means a guru of input devices, so I'm not much of a help, but that should give you somewhere to begin. What I did was to simply copy and paste the LeapMotion code, and replace the all the Leap stuff (you'll find residue in there though because I never cleaned it properly).


That should, btw, bind "orientation" to the "xxx" device, used like this in TorqueScript:

moveMap.bind( xxx, orientation, orientationReceived);

function printOrientation(%roll, %pitch, %yaw, %angle)
echo(%roll SPC %pitch SPC %yaw SPC %angle);
GlobalActionMap.bind(xxx, orientation, printOrientation);

I ckecked the code, It helps a lot. But, in fact I am not sure about the whole work flow. I list here what I found, but I don't know if it is correct:

1. First to exctue the new input device Torquescript: in "game\core\scripts\client\core.cs":
   // Input devices

2. In "game\core\scripts\client\oculusVR.cs" define functions are defined such as:

function enableOculusVRDisplay(%gameConnection, %trueStereoRendering)
  PlayGui.renderStyle = "stereo side by side";

        OVRBarrelDistortionChromaPostFX.isEnabled = true;
        OVRBarrelDistortionPostFX.isEnabled = true;
     OVRBarrelDistortionMonoPostFX.isEnabled = true;

  // Reset all sensors

3. in the code of step 2, some existing functions such as "setOVRHMDAsGameConnectionDisplayDevice", is defined in "Engine\source\platform\input\oculusVR\oculusVRDevice.cs":

DefineEngineFunction(setOVRHMDAsGameConnectionDisplayDevice, bool, (GameConnection* conn),,
  "@brief Sets the first HMD to be a GameConnection's display device\n\n"
  "@param conn The GameConnection to set.\n"
  "@return True if the GameConnection display device was set.\n"
  "@ingroup Game")
     Con::errorf("setOVRHMDAsGameConnectionDisplayDevice(): No Oculus VR Device present.");
     return false;

     Con::errorf("setOVRHMDAsGameConnectionDisplayDevice(): Invalid GameConnection.");
     return false;

  return true;

4. in the code of step 2, the defined functions are used in different torquescripts

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