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T3D Futureproof?


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after a long time I decided to revist T3D. I see 3.7 is coming out soon and it supports OpenGL. My main issue with using T3D is taht I don't know if it will run on newer OS Versions, like win 10. So my question is: How futureproof is T3D? DirectX is still at Version 9 and if I am correct this is not going to Change anytime soon. So how good is the open GL implementation? Alsi I saw that T3D now runs on Linux. Is OS X coming as well?

Basically, what I Need is an engine that will still work in two years when Win 10 is out.....is T3D going to do this?



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Probably gonna work on Windows 10 yes, dunno about the other OS's, someone else gonna input on that. But I believe the OpenGL version will be ahead of the DX version when it's stable.

Anyways, MS is prolly not gonna drop DirectX9 support anytime soon (Win8 still supports DirectX7 IIRC). Mac and Linux support is not far apart, so when it supports Linux then I believe Mac will come shortly after.. If anyone here with enough interest owns a Mac that is :P

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Sounds good! A few more questions:

- is walkabout integrated into 3.6.3? Or only 3.7?

- Is it possible to compile using Physix for X64?

- In General, is it recommended to build for x64 or x86?

- is it possible to build x64 using the Project Manager? I always get error, even tough I follow the tutorial...

- Say I wanted to help with the wiki, can I just create an account and then add articles?

- How long will it be until the release for 3.7?

- What main features does 3.7 have that are not in 3.6.3?

I know, lots of questions, probably there will be more. After spening some time with UE4 and Unity. I am back here. Somehow to me Torque just seems "easier".And free ;-).

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Recast/Detour integration went in a while back - pre 3.5 I think.

T3D doesn't use the latest PhysX libraries - you can dig around, someone was working on that.

T3D is "sort of" 64 bit ready....

Why are you bothering with the Project Manager?

Wiki's not my thing, hopefully someone who knows can catch that one.

"Soon" ™

Check the issues, and I thought someone around here had a feature list....

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Recast/Detour integration went in a while back - pre 3.5 I think.

T3D doesn't use the latest PhysX libraries - you can dig around, someone was working on that.

T3D is "sort of" 64 bit ready....

Why are you bothering with the Project Manager?

Wiki's not my thing, hopefully someone who knows can catch that one.

"Soon" ™

Check the issues, and I thought someone around here had a feature list....


@rlranft is pretty much right

1) Yep, walkabout should be good for you to use.

2) It doesn't use the latest, but does work with 3.3.1. You can follow the instructions here to get PhysX set up on your project: http://wiki.torque3d.org/coder:physx-setup

3.3.2 has some changes in it that make things weird, so those need to be fixed first before it'll work cleanly in T3D(namely, the moved around a lot of files and the like).

3) You can indeed do 64bit support, but it's not the "default" for the engine, so you have to do a few changes to kick it over to 64bit mode. In the coming versions, we're looking to make 64bit the default. You can check the wiki here for some info on getting it compiling as 64 bit: http://wiki.torque3d.org/coder:compiling-in-windows

4) Hey now, project manager is better than cmake :P

andi: what error do you get when you try and compile it as 64bit?

5) Yes, I believe all that's needed is to make an account for it.

6) We had 2 PRs sneak in right at the end there, so we'll get those rolled in shortly and then we just have to package everything up for use.

7) Quite a few new things slid in via 3.7. We'll have a specific list when we get the release, but looking at the PR list rlranft linked gives a good idea of the changes.

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Thanks for all the answers! Regarding the compile errors:

I used 3.7rc

I created a Project using the Project Manager. Chose the empty Project.

Then I opened it in vs2013 community Edition. Then I changed it to x64 as described in the article on the wiki. Then i changed the asm files to compile against x64 ( -win64). The compiel Fails giving the following error:

Error 268 error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 1. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets 170

If I set up the Project using cmake, i can compile x64 without Problems...

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Thanks for all the answers! Regarding the compile errors:

I used 3.7rc

I created a Project using the Project Manager. Chose the empty Project.

Then I opened it in vs2013 community Edition. Then I changed it to x64 as described in the article on the wiki. Then i changed the asm files to compile against x64 ( -win64). The compiel Fails giving the following error:

Error 268 error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 1. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets 170

If I set up the Project using cmake, i can compile x64 without Problems...


Hey Andi,

I looked into this and believe I've got the instructions updated to let you do 64bit with Project Manager-generated VS projects now.

You can check the instructions here:


Let me know if it doesn't work for you, or some steps need additional clarification.

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