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It's not a flying model I'd replicate, but the old WarSparrow project from BraveTree provides a good example of FlyingVehicle class. Unfortunately I'm not sure it's in the GG store anymore, nor do I know whether it went MIT or not, so I can't give you a copy. :-(

Anybody else have any info about this?

Meanwhile, this may not be what you're looking for because of the complicated setup, but I've actually got a serious flight simulator (FlightGear) plugged into T3D via a UDP socket, and am happily flying around in a wide variety of FAA-certified airplane sims, all unfortunately rendered using the WarSparrow cockpit at the moment, but with flight characteristics and joystick control coming directly from FlightGear. Just to throw it out there. :-)

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I worked quite a bit with Torque's FlyingVehicle class ( as you can see here )

I had to tweak a lot the C++ code to avoid having the aircraft flying as kinda balloon and also,

be aware of the fact that it doesn't support an independent roll.

You'd have to implement it by adding a new axis in:

vehicle.cpp and flyingvehicle:.updateForces in flyingvehicle.cpp for rotation on the forward axis.

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Meanwhile, this may not be what you're looking for because of the complicated setup, but I've actually got a serious flight simulator (FlightGear) plugged into T3D via a UDP socket, and am happily flying around in a wide variety of FAA-certified airplane sims, all unfortunately rendered using the WarSparrow cockpit at the moment, but with flight characteristics and joystick control coming directly from FlightGear.

Wait, you've got a client-server-server model going? That's awesome! (and kind of hilarious).

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