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First person legs and body


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Has anyone been able to get the first person legs and body to work properly? whenever i enable third person model rendering in first person mode the camera seems to be inside the character and i have tried moving the nodes for eye and cam but it doesn't seem to fix things no matter where i place them. will upload pics in a minute of what i mean

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What you are trying to do is more a workaround and not a good solution for the final product. Even most modern games don't do it that way, so it seems that it is not that easy. I tried it and the biggest problem is yet to come for you, it is to align the arms and the weapon with where it actually shoots, if you need that also later.

What you could try is use the same model but remove the head for first person, so it does not interfere with the camera.

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you are 100% correct Azaezel http://i.imgur.com/h150oOW.png

Will take some modelling changes to get it to match up with the fp gun and all that but thats not a problem this was just a test with the soldier model to see if it was going to work at all. I was moving the alteye around and getting nowhere didnt think to change the name lol going to use my own models now :D thanks again

Highest look angle: http://i.imgur.com/Qd6WO7f.png

Lowest look angle http://i.imgur.com/mW39L7T.png

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Get where you're aiming at marauder2k9, it's a good idea!

A problem though is that if you swap the TP mesh with this in a multiplayer game it will be visible to other players. It will include some code changes to make this work properly.

Instead of creating a separate mesh without arms and a head you could also use skins. You then just create the diffuse map with an alpha channel where the arms and head are transparent. The TP material would not use transparency but the FP legs material would. This way you can save the extra polys and work you'd need for a separate mesh!


// Material for the TP body
singleton Material(base_CharacterMat)
   diffuseMap[0] = "art/actors/actor_diff.dds";
// Material for the FP legs
singleton Material(legs_CharacterMat)
   diffuseMap[0] = "art/actors/actor_diff.dds";
   alphaTest = "1";
   alphaRef = "48";

Further if you manage to render the FP legs material on the client side only, and show the TP material for other players you'd solve the above problem as well.

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the arms are actually coming from the first person model for each weapon that u make, the client/player sees the usual first person model file and the third person model file without arms or head, u only have to make accurate reload animations for the first person meshes and not the third person mesh. the third person mesh that will be used for first person body will only need ur basics eg: walk run jump land look etc etc no weapon animations then a separate 3rd person mesh would be used for what the server/multiplayer sees. this is the one that would need to be used for shadows as well otherwise your shadows will have no head or arms lol i think this is similar to what the likes of battlefield uses. Accurate reload animations for every weapon in a third person mesh are rare and also expensive to have. Best to use simple ones and keep expensive ones that can be re-used for your fp arms meshes

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The result, and problem, shadow needs 2nd lod not 1st anyone know how to change this?

This was just a quick edit of the soldier model to remove arms nothing else just to illustrate how it could be pulled off

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