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energyWeapon Resource


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Found a crash caused by RefreshWeaponHUD not displaying the ammoAmount if a non-ammo weapon is the first one loaded at startup and then the player switches to an ammo-using weapon. No crash if first weapon loaded is an ammo-user. Makes no sense but hey, we're all used to that. :P

Fix posted in resource, also suggest fix goes into main repo.


function clientCmdRefreshWeaponHUD(%amount, %preview, %ret, %zoomRet, %amountInClips)
   if (!%amount)
      //AmmoAmount.setVisible(false);//yorks bad! 
      //causes a crash if this weapon is the default and you change to an other weapon
      AmmoAmount.setText("Ammo: " @ %amount @ "/" @ %amountInClips);
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Seems to crash looking for a valid character in gfx/gFont.h. Only happens if there is no ammoAmount to show and thus ammoAmount in scripts/client/client.cs is hidden. And it only crashes if the first weapon on startup is non-ammo. Loading an ammo-wpn first and then switching back and forth between ammo and non-ammo weapons is fine.

// Update the Ammo Counter with current ammo, if not any then hide the counter. 
function clientCmdSetAmmoAmountHud(%amount, %amountInClips)
   if (!%amount)
      AmmoAmount.setText("Ammo: " @ %amount @ "/" @ %amountInClips);



inline bool GFont::isValidChar(const UTF16 in_charIndex) const
   if(mRemapTable[in_charIndex] != -1)//dies here
      return true;
      return mPlatformFont->isValidChar(in_charIndex);
   return false;


I'll post the full stack - but if I'm honest I just like make gaemz and don't understand what makes them go. ;)


>	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!GFont::isValidChar(const unsigned short in_charIndex) Line 185	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!GFont::getStrNWidthPrecise(const unsigned short * str, unsigned int n) Line 486	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!GFont::getStrNWidthPrecise(const char * str, unsigned int n) Line 466	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!GFont::getStrWidthPrecise(const char * in_pString) Line 419	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!GuiControl::renderJustifiedText(Point2I offset, Point2I extent, const char * text) Line 605	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!GuiTextCtrl::onRender(Point2I offset, const RectI & updateRect) Line 235	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!GuiControl::renderChildControls(Point2I offset, const RectI & updateRect) Line 574	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!GuiBitmapBorderCtrl::onRender(Point2I offset, const RectI & updateRect) Line 135	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!GuiControl::renderChildControls(Point2I offset, const RectI & updateRect) Line 574	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!GuiTSCtrl::onRender(Point2I offset, const RectI & updateRect) Line 471	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!GameTSCtrl::onRender(Point2I offset, const RectI & updateRect) Line 179	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!GuiCanvas::renderFrame(bool preRenderOnly, bool bufferSwap) Line 1760	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!GuiCanvas::handlePaintEvent(unsigned int did) Line 342	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!fastdelegate::FastDelegate1::operator()(unsigned int p1) Line 990	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!Signal::trigger(unsigned int a) Line 669	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!Journal::Call,unsigned int>(Signal * obj, void (unsigned int) * method, unsigned int a) Line 634	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!JournaledSignal::trigger(unsigned int a) Line 81	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!GuiCanvas::paint() Line 1522	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!fastdelegate::FastDelegate0::operator()() Line 905	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!Signal::trigger() Line 651	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!Process::processEvents() Line 95	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!StandardMainLoop::doMainLoop() Line 610	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!torque_enginetick() Line 120	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!TorqueMain(int argc, const char * * argv) Line 377	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG DLL.dll!torque_winmain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance, HINSTANCE__ * __formal, char * lpszCmdLine, int __formal) Line 452	C++
 	energyWeapon_DEBUG.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance, HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance, char * lpszCmdLine, int nCommandShow) Line 95	C++
 	[External Code]	
 	[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for kernel32.dll]
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