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FontType not working with ANSI, why?


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I'm trying a new font in my project but it doesn't render with ANSI charset. I never had such issue in the past and I'm wondering why it's happening?

Also, I'm really not familiar with charSet, could some charset cause issue for different language? What's the other most standard charSet that I should use, all other make the font render properly.

If anyone would like to try in their Torque3D setup, there's a version available for free which cause the issue for me. I'd like to confirm that it's not a local issue.

The font is Neuropol X and is available for free there: http://www.dafont.com/neuropol-x-free.font

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Hum, ANSI is working except for fontSize 15 and 17. Any reason why?


I think this is because it's originally based on the points system, in the early days it was used for desktop publishing. Now in the "full" digital age you'll still find some of it back. In print 15 points was rarely used (only by the French) and 17 not used at all. 15 would be 16, and 17 would be 18.

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If you write text in a different language then English it's best to save it as UTF-8. So for example Torsion doesn't support UTF-8, if you write German text with it you could have display problems (or even crashes) Use an application that does support this.

I prefer Adobe Dreamweaver, as you can include a BOM signature to work safely on the server. Don't know exactly in detail why for T3D, but that's what works in our case.

Edit: Found a nice page about this

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