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From truespace 2 torque


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Did a series of video tutorials showing how to get a static object from truespace 3d 7.6.1 to torque 3d. Let me know what you think. I didn't know how to embed the videos so here are the youtube links. If some one is willing to embed them in this post for me i would be thankful.

installing the exporter into TS


Setting up layers in TS


scaling the object in Ts


Truespace to torque 3d


correction 4 dummy object




Here are the steps to start from a visible shape and fill out the surrounding nodes:

1. Create the shape. Union it into a single shape object.

2. Rename the shape to be an object called “shape64”.

3. Create the collision object.

4. Rename the collision object to be “col-1”.

5. Group as sibling between shape64 and col-1.

6. Rename the group to be “start01”.

7. Create two marker objects as cubes off to the side.

8. Rename one to be “_detail64”, and one to be “_collision-1”

9. On the scene editor, select each of _detail64, _collision-1, and start01. Then group as sibling.

10. Rename the group to be “base01”.

11. Create a cube and adjust it to be the bounds of the object.

12. Rename the cube to be called “bounds”.

Click on the blue sphere at the top of the color shader and select plain transparency from the menu.

Right click on the reflectance shader and select an environment map shader from the reflectance shader selector.

In your environment map shader use these settings

Set the luminance slider to 0

Set the diffusion slider to max

Set the shininess slider to 0

Set the specular slider to 0

Your object should be about 5 to 15 trueSpace units on all sides to be scaled correctly for human scale.

Your bounds object should have its axes centered and at the bottom (usually 0,0,0) as this is the point where the object will come to rest on the terrain.

All Torque scenes must contain the following objects at the scene root level in order to export properly:

A bounding box named bounds. This defines the shapes orientation and position in the world. Without the bounding box, the scene will not export.

The DTS hierarchy. This is a group in the scene root (base01) that contains at least one detail level marker (_detail#) and at least one additional group with children (start01) that has geometry somewhere in its sub-hierarchy and/ or a IK group that deforms a mesh.

A detail level marker indicates to the exporter what detail level mesh should be drawn at a given distance. The number following the name of an object corresponds to the pixel size in the game engine at which the shape will be drawn. The shape branch of the DTS hierarchy corresponds to the actual DTS shape that will be exported. The whole subtree can be under one branch or there can be multiple branches (shape01, shape02, etc.).

Edited by seppgirty
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