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Any ideas for a shotgun mic type mechanic?


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I have been trying to code a shotgun mic in script:-

What it does is when u zoom in through the scope u can hear the sounds being played at the area u point the crosshair, I'm sure we've all seen something like this done in games before. Closest one i could think of is Codename Outbreak or i think metal gear solid v has the same sort of thing too

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I've never really fiddled with listeners before, but I'd say you would create a new 3D listener and switch to it during the "zoom" - maybe use a ray-cast to get your distance, but if you're not actually aiming at something it might give you no coordinates since there will be no collision. I don't know if listeners are exposed in this fashion to script either - just thinking out loud.

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Not sure about that, either - It has to support at least one per client, I'm guessing you'd create the new one and switch the client to use it then switch back to the player's listener. Or perhaps you could just move the player's listener to the new location.

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1) I don't think it's exposed to script.

2) A simple bool would control stuff like what? I'm certain the listener's position is a full 3D transform - position and rotation - so I am not sure where you're going with that. I'm also pretty sure that the listener is assigned to a node in the player model by default.

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