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Adding Warning Colour To HealthBarGUI


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A noticed that HealthTextGui had both pulse and a warning colour, whilst HealthBarGui only had pulse. So I fancied changing that. It uses a decimal to determine the value when it will change colour (0.0 - 1.0).

I am using 2 seperate energy systems in the video, one linked to weapon energy (new style) - first bar top right and main bar at bottom of screen, and the other one is linked to sprint energy (old style) , 2nd bar at the top right.



class GuiHealthBarHud : public GuiControl
   ColorF   mFillColor;
   ColorF   mFrameColor;
   ColorF   mDamageFillColor;
   ColorF   mWarnColor;//yorks new
   F32      mWarnLevel;//yorks new
   S32      mPulseRate;
   F32      mPulseThreshold;
//In the middle of the console doc class add:
ConsoleDocClass( GuiHealthBarHud,
		"   warnThreshold = \"0.5\"; // yorks Warning colour\n"
   "@ingroup GuiGame\n"
   mDamageFillColor.set(0, 1, 0, 1);
   mWarnColor.set(1, 0, 0, 1);//yorks new
   mWarnLevel = 0.5f;//yorks new
   mPulseRate = 0;
void GuiHealthBarHud::initPersistFields()
   addField("warningColor", TypeColorF, Offset(mWarnColor, GuiHealthBarHud), "Color for the text when Health is low.");//yorks new
   addField("warnThreshold", TypeF32, Offset(mWarnLevel, GuiHealthBarHud), "The Health level - as a decimal - at which to use the warningColor.");//yorks new
   addField( "pulseRate", TypeS32, Offset( mPulseRate, GuiHealthBarHud ), "Speed at which the control will pulse." );
   addField( "pulseThreshold", TypeF32, Offset( mPulseThreshold, GuiHealthBarHud ), "Health level the control must be under before the control will pulse." );


And now you've two choices of code, both of each work. I am including both as I am not sure which is really better.

The first works like the original healthBar but calls value twice, the second works more like HealthTextGui using an alias/local var.

edit: 18 Feb 2015: after much testing Choice TWO seems to be the better option.

Choice ONE:

void GuiHealthBarHud::onRender(Point2I offset, const RectI &updateRect)
   // Background first
   if (mShowFill)
      GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRectFill(updateRect, mFillColor);
   /* //yorks out start
   // Pulse the health fill if it's below the threshold
   if (mPulseRate != 0)
      if (mValue < mPulseThreshold) 
         U32 time = Platform::getVirtualMilliseconds();
         F32 alpha = 2.0f * F32(time % mPulseRate) / F32(mPulseRate);
         mDamageFillColor.alpha = (alpha > 1.0f)? 2.0f - alpha: alpha;
         mDamageFillColor.alpha = 1;
   */ //yorks out end
   if (mValue < mWarnLevel)//yorks in start
	   if (mPulseRate != 0)
		   U32 time = Platform::getVirtualMilliseconds();
		   F32 alpha = 2.0f * F32(time % mPulseRate) / F32(mPulseRate);
		   mWarnColor.alpha = (alpha > 1.0f) ? 2.0f - alpha : alpha;
		   mWarnColor.alpha = 1;
	   mDamageFillColor.alpha = 1;//yorks in end
   // Render damage fill %
   RectI rect(updateRect);
   if(getWidth() > getHeight())
      rect.extent.x = (S32)(rect.extent.x * mValue);
      S32 bottomY = rect.point.y + rect.extent.y;
      rect.extent.y = (S32)(rect.extent.y * mValue);
      rect.point.y = bottomY - rect.extent.y;
   }//yorks in end
   if (mValue < mWarnLevel)//yorks new - second call :/
	GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRectFill(rect, mWarnColor);//yorks new
   else//yorks new
	GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRectFill(rect, mDamageFillColor);
   // Border last
   if (mShowFrame)
      GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRect(updateRect, mFrameColor);


Choice TWO:

void GuiHealthBarHud::onRender(Point2I offset, const RectI &updateRect)
   // Background first
   if (mShowFill)
      GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRectFill(updateRect, mFillColor);
   // Pulse the health fill if it's below the threshold
   if (mPulseRate != 0)
      if (mValue < mPulseThreshold) 
         U32 time = Platform::getVirtualMilliseconds();
         F32 alpha = 2.0f * F32(time % mPulseRate) / F32(mPulseRate);
         mDamageFillColor.alpha = (alpha > 1.0f)? 2.0f - alpha: alpha;
         mDamageFillColor.alpha = 1;
   ///yorks in start
   ColorF tColor = mDamageFillColor;
   // If warning level is exceeded switch to warning color  
   if (mValue < mWarnLevel)
	   tColor = mWarnColor;
	   // If the pulseRate is set then pulse the text if Health is below the threshold  
	   if (mPulseRate != 0 && mValue < mPulseThreshold)
		   U32 time = Platform::getVirtualMilliseconds();
		   F32 alpha = 2.0f * F32(time % mPulseRate) / F32(mPulseRate);
		   tColor.alpha = (alpha > 1.0f) ? 2.0f - alpha : alpha;
   }//yorks in end
   // Render damage fill %
   RectI rect(updateRect);
   if(getWidth() > getHeight())
      rect.extent.x = (S32)(rect.extent.x * mValue);
      S32 bottomY = rect.point.y + rect.extent.y;
      rect.extent.y = (S32)(rect.extent.y * mValue);
      rect.point.y = bottomY - rect.extent.y;
   //GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRectFill(rect, mDamageFillColor);//yorks out
   GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRectFill(rect, tColor);//yorks in
   // Border last
   if (mShowFrame)
      GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRect(updateRect, mFrameColor);
Edited by Steve_Yorkshire
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