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T3D Editor freeze under Windows 10.


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T3D Editor freezes whenever I press on the Browse button in the ShapeEditor's Mounting tab, the "add new sequence" button in the Seq tab, the Browse button in the create new Terrain dialog, etc. It's been like that since I installed Windows 10. I'm using T3D 1.2. Anybody knows how to fix this problem?

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The thing is that my whole game is based on T3D 1.2. I can't switch right now.

I'm quite sure it has something to do with Win 10's Explorer and T3D live update.

Explorer would sometimes open right away, 20 to 30 minutes later, or not at all.

Has anybody else had the same problem?

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Sorry, I didn't mean "well just switch to 3.8 right now". Just wanted you to grab 3.8 so we could see if the issue went away in the newer version of the engine.

As it didn't, that implies it's an issue that hasn't been fixed, or an issue specific to your system.

Can you provide a bit more detail on why you think it ties to the live update? That lead sounds promising.

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T3D Editor freezes whenever I press on the Browse button in the ShapeEditor's Mounting tab, the "add new sequence" button in the Seq tab, the Browse button in the create new Terrain dialog, etc. It's been like that since I installed Windows 10. I'm using T3D 1.2. Anybody knows how to fix this problem?

Sorry bud, not seeing any of these in T3D 1.2. Is there any console output before it hangs?

I also have a project that is "stuck" in 1.2-land and from Win7 -> Win8 -> Win10 upgrades all has functioned as expected so far.

Anyway, the place to start debugging should be Engine/source/platformWin32/nativeDialogs\fileDialog.cpp - I'm guessing drop a breakpoint in FileDialog::Execute() and head down the rabbit hole....

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Dwarf King:

Just so you know the dx11 stuff is definitely not ready for production type releases, it's very much still a WIP. I am absolutely snowed under in other work at the moment and most likely won't get much more done with it till some time in February.

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Oh yeah more testing the better, it's really hard to test every single different scenario. So yeah I definitely encourage everyone to keep testing :mrgreen:

Anyway back on topic i been running and developing with T3D with Win 10 and never had any dramas yet, it's stable as.

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