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Zipped sound files still crashes game (on exit)


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Hey guys,

I was wondering if there's a fix for this small issue with packed sounds. I have read some posts on the GG forums that if you need to pack sound files in zip format that you must set all sound profiles to preload = "false" or 0 which is what I have done. The sound and game loads perfectly, but now I'm getting crashes when I exit the game. I also tried one suggestion to convert all to wav files but still getting same results.

I know this is a small problem to deal with but I'm really curious if there is already a workaround that I have missed browsing the GG forums.


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Thanks Richard. Here's what I'm getting in the log file.


[Win32FileSystemChangeNotifier::internalAddNotification] : failed on [C:\Torque3D\My Projects\Test\game\sound\weapons] [2]


I also have relocated the sound folder up one directory, which is not a problem when it is unpacked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I'm not having this issue in 3.8. My test file is relatively small. Here's my SFXProfile for the sound I'm using:

datablock SFXProfile(StirringItMain_music)
   filename = "art/sound/music/stirring_it_main";
   description = AudioStreamLoop2D;

Where .../music/... is art/sound/music.zip.

And here's the SFXEmitter I'm playing it through:

new SFXEmitter(LevelMusic) {
      track = "StirringItMain_music";
      playOnAdd = "1";
      useTrackDescriptionOnly = "0";
      isLooping = "1";
      isStreaming = "1";
      sourceGroup = "AudioChannelMusic";
      volume = "1";
      pitch = "1";
      fadeInTime = "0";
      fadeOutTime = "0";
      is3D = "0";
      referenceDistance = "1";
      maxDistance = "100";
      scatterDistance = "0 0 0";
      coneInsideAngle = "360";
      coneOutsideAngle = "360";
      coneOutsideVolume = "1";
      position = "72 69 247";
      rotation = "1 0 0 0";
      scale = "100 100 100";
      canSave = "1";
      canSaveDynamicFields = "1";

The sound file is .ogg and only about 4.6MB - I can upload it somewhere if you want to see if it's this particular file or somehow file-dependent.

Though I do get an elephant's ass-load of "linux compatibility warning" spam in the console now....

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