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T3D Usefull 3ds Max Scripts


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I have some little 3ds Max scripts that I find usefull but that don't deserve a topic. I only have one for now but I guess later I would have other simple scripts to share so I will stick to this topic for basic/simple scripts. Also if anyone have some they want to share, they could simply post about them in a reply and I would add them to the main post. I guess they should have a section to be added on the wiki but I think it's good to have them here so more people would notice them...


Very simple script that I adapted from another scripts (I will try to find it back to link original authors). The scripts is a simple object cloner in which you can set a prefix and suffix for the cloned objects. The only thing I changed was to prefill the prefix and suffix fields to clone an object as CollisionMesh. So if you clone "MyHouseA", it will be cloned as "ColMeshMyHouseA-1" in the "zCol-" layer. You can change the prefix, suffix and target layer name (If not existing a new layer will be created).

It's very simple but still a time saver if you use ctrl+v for cloning and then have to rename to remove the digits added as suffix. Also, it's made to be compatible with the T3D Mesh Exporter by having the same naming convention that the exporter use to find associated Collision Mesh.




Usefull script to quickly create multiple materials from image files found in a specific folder. The scripts is an T3D adapted version based on a modified version of: http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/multi-map-loader . The adapted version allow to add a prefix and suffix for the new generated materials name. The base name used for the generated material is the image name and there's an option to remove the X last characters of that image name (usefull when your image sources end with a diffuse suffix.). The new materials are combined into a MultiMaterial object which is added to the current library.

In my case, I used it for my project textures used by different building, I added the prefix options since I got the habit to always name my materials starting with "base". I don't use the suffix but maybe it can ben usefull for someone...




  • You have to select the extension after changing source folder to see how much files are found



Edited by Mud-H
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