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Wiki contributions and visibility


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I don't know if it have been discussed already but I often forgot about the wiki and it contain some valuable informations (when you dig deep). I think it could be a good thing to make the wiki more "visible". Is it possible to add a link in forum header to go to the wiki page and also a forum link in the wiki header?

Also, what are the rules for contributing? I was looking for an area where I could post the 3dsMax scripts I added today but found nothing about 3ds Max. I think a section for 3ds Max and Blender could be usefull, there's some T3D tutorials for both that I remember having watched a while back. Do we have the freedom to add anything and someone look at the submission and decide to publish it or not? Is that how it work?

I have never participate a lot in the community I joined and I think it's time to give back because I have learn so much from the T3D community (From here and the years that we were on GG forum). But I don't know how it work to contribute also I'm affraid of adding new stuff and doing it wrong... :oops:

Anyway, I'm not saying that I would fill complete sections of the wiki as I'm definitly not a good writter especially in english but I'm pretty sure I could help by providing some ressources or links that I used over the years. So can someone give me a little "Wiki Contribution 101" lesson please?

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Nah dude, go for it! Contribute what you want. :)

If you're unsure of how something should get organized(like under Art, or Scripts in the case for 3ds max scripts or the like) then feel free to ask for suggestions, but the idea of the wiki is being able to go in and add in stuff you feel is useful.

For the max scripts themselves, I'd say probably under the Artists section, and yeah, there should probably be some sections on the artists page for Blender, Max and Maya for people to add in pages for easier browsing there.

As for the visibility of the wiki: do you mean having something alongside the Quick Links and FAQ buttons at the top of the forums?

That probably wouldn't be a bad idea.

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As for the visibility of the wiki: do you mean having something alongside the Quick Links and FAQ buttons at the top of the forums?

That probably wouldn't be a bad idea.


I think the best would be to be between QuickLinks and FAQ since there's a lot of room there. It's up to you but I think having a easy to find wiki access link would create more traffic on the wiki. Also, I think clicking on the Torque3D logo (top left) should bring to torque3d.org page which also contain some valuable informations.


For the wiki contribution, I will try to start adding some stuff to the Wiki and see how it goes.

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I did a quick test and I'd like to know if it's fine. My personnal problem is that since I'm a frenchie, I don't know how to name things correctly sometimes.

If you look on the artist page, I added a Module called: "Application Specific" and figured how to create a 3dsmax page. I have only added a link to the forum thread about the Mesh Exporter I posted. If it's a good start, I will update it with more informations by examinating how other pages are editted.



Any better suggestion for "Application Specific" category replacements are welcomed!

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