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No Rotation on Animated Lights


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I've recently finished porting my code from T3D 3.5 to 3.8, and everything went very smoothly. After running a couple of levels however, I noticed that rotating lights no longer animated. As far as I can tell all other types of animations are fine. It was easy enough to fix by changing two lines in lightAnimData.cpp back to the original (3.5) versions like so:

In "AnimValue::animate":

output = (value1 + (keyFrameFrom * valueRange)) * initialValue;


output = (value1 + ((keyFrameFrom + keyFrameLerp) * valueRange)) * initialValue;


output = value1 + ( keyFrameFrom * valueRange );


output = value1 + ( ( keyFrameFrom + keyFrameLerp ) * valueRange );

"initialValue" is set to "output" further up. I haven't really done any tests to compare the different results, so my question is what does multiplying by "output" accomplish? Am I missing out in some way by not scaling the individual outputs?


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