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Normal to Rotation Help


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Hello, I'm trying to orient an object based on a raycast result transformation. The following isn't working. Any help would be appreciated.


  %rayResult = %obj.doRaycast(10000.0, %rayMask);

  %objTarget = firstWord(%rayResult);
  %objPos = getWords(%rayResult, 1, 3);
  %objDir = getWords(%rayResult, 4, 6);
  %transform = MatrixCreateFromEuler(%objDir);

  %box_.position = %objPos;

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I can't find the function "doRaycast" in my build so I'm going to assume you're using the one defined in


(You may want to check the console for "Unknown command doRaycast" error if you're not using that).

Your code seems correct.

I would try

  %rayResult = %obj.doRaycast(10000.0, %rayMask);

  %objTarget = firstWord(%rayResult);
  %objPos = getWords(%rayResult, 1, 3);
  %objDir = getWords(%rayResult, 4, 6);
  %transform = MatrixCreate(%objPos,%objDir);


But that's basicalliy the same.

For testing you may want to also add to that

echo("Ray result=" SPC %rayResult);

To be sure the raycast was correct.

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Alright, the code should work as this:


  %rayResult = %obj.doRaycast(10000.0, %rayMask);

  %objTarget = firstWord(%rayResult);
  %objPos = getWords(%rayResult, 1, 3);
  %objDir = getWords(%rayResult, 4, 6);

  %mat_rotx = MatrixCreateFromEuler( mAtan( mSqrt( %objDir.x*%objDir.x + %objDir.y*%objDir.y), %objDir.z) SPC "0 0");
  //%mat_localzrot = MatrixCreateFromEuler("0 0" SPC %localzrot);
  //%mat_rotx = MatrixMultiply(%mat_rotx,%mat_localzrot);
  %mat_rotz = MatrixCreateFromEuler("0 0" SPC mAtan(%objDir.x,%objDir.y));
  %transform = MatrixMultiply(%mat_rotz,%mat_rotx);

  %box_.position = %objPos;


If you want to rotate the %box_ in the local z axis then remove the commenting and define %localzrot as the radian angle to rotate.

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Thanks irei1as! It worked. The code will probably help others in the future as well. This expert-level math is beyond lots of people. Game development requires engineer-level knowledge in a lot of aspects but if this engine wants to be newbie-friendly, rotations (other areas as well) need more helper functions.

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