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where are the gg demo?


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hey hi!

I remember gg "published" all the demos. I not sure if the sc already release the demos updated.

Demos are ready? pacific, deathball, sector and don't remember what other demo...

I can help to replicate the old demo in the new version of torque3d and of course without the assets restricted. If you need a help with this send me a PM...

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Yeah, Jeff is working on them - not enough people to plow through them quickly and he's also trying to get the 3.9 release rolled up. Overall I think they're concentrating on fixes and improvements over dusting off the demos, especially since the 4.0 release would require some relatively large organizational changes to accommodate the new module system. You could always drop a line and ask for an update.

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Yep, the plan is for them to go out when 3.9 is fully released. We're wrapping up any issues that really annoy us and then 3.9 will be put up as a Release Candidate, and I plan to take that time to put a wrap on the demos.

That said, the pacific demo content has been out for a while now, and can be grabbed off the wiki, here:



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