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Last development commit binary! 32bit & 64bit


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You want to test the last development commits, without compile? ;) just download and start playing around.

Download Torque3D



  • Branch: Development

  • Compressed: 7zip

  • Compiled: default CMake options + CMake D3D11 + CMake OpenGL + CMake Bullet Physics + VS2015 release.

  • Template: Full or Empty

  • Physics: Bullet


**NOTE:** Development branch can have some bugs, but most of the time is very stable and safely to use.


System Requirements:

Minimum Recommended:

  • OS: Windows XP

  • Processor: Intel Celeron CPU 1017U 1.60GHz or equivalent.

  • 2GB Ram

  • Intel HD Graphics 2500 or equivalent. (Updated drivers)



  1. How to report a bug from development branch

If you found a bug, please report here: Issues

Please share:

  • what commit are you using.

  • The steps to reproduce the issue.

  • If you have some graphics issue, you version driver and graphics card.

  • Windows version.

  • If you aren't using these binaries, you compiled settings.


A pic or video always will be nice to explain a bug.




  1. T3D trows me an error at start after change video settings

  • Just remove the file game/scripts/client/prefs.cs


  • I can develop a game with this?

  • Yes, but remember is using a development branch, may contain bugs.


  • How I can change the name of my game?

  • Rename game/Full.exe and from this file game/main.cs rename
    $appName = "Full";



Ok, so... you insist in compile yourself :D

How to compile Torque3D:



Edited by Johxz
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  • 5 weeks later...

As i recall, development branch is classified as an unstable non production branch.

it is also mostly assumed that people tinkering with development branches are in fact devs and can create their own executable.

The only easily available executable(s) should be the latest tagged release versions or at most release candidate versions for testing.

The alternative i guess would be a "nightly build" system that seems to be gaining popularity, but even that needs to be covered by some form of disclaimer in my opinion.

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Yeah, development branch is the 'work in progress and could have issues', but we try to keep it pretty stable and not break stuff if at all possible, so having a fairly up to date development binary should be MOSTLY safe :P

A minor bit of clarity of it being from the WIP development branch would be a good idea in general though, yeah just so no one confuses themselves.

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I think this is a good idea, as long as people realise the above warnings that it is indeed the development branch. @Johxz the only thing i would recommend is to enable OpenGL and DirectX 11 with the cmake build.

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it is also mostly assumed that people tinkering with development branches are in fact devs and can create their own executable.

Not necessary, maybe need to use the last feature, without walk all the way to compile. Even better because we have more people testing the development branch.


The only easily available executable(s) should be the latest tagged release versions or at most release candidate versions for testing.

Maybe you right, but what if someone found a bug from a RC/release, how can we minimize what commits broke a functionality? You can say I was using XXX commit and now don't work in this XXX commit. So, between they have maybe 15 commits? easily for hunt bugs.


needs to be covered by some form of disclaimer in my opinion.



we try to keep it pretty stable and not break stuff if at all possible, so having a fairly up to date development binary should be MOSTLY safe

This is so true I was always using development branch from the beginning I start learning T3D, of course I found some bugs here and there then I report it.


the only thing i would recommend is to enable OpenGL and DirectX 11 with the cmake build

Done for the last commit and future commits.

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I wasnt trying to be deliberately awkward, part of this comes from the fact that in the past non issues have been made issues simply by use of an executable built elsewhere.

Something else to consider is the fact that there are a large number of potential executables that are needed for the many things that need testing. Two different platforms both with 32 or 64 bit options 3 different renderers on windows (assuming opengl is only one and not sure if that is actually the case) 3 different physics implementations. Depending how you choose to combine them thats somewhere between 15 and 30+ base configurations

While i do to some extent agree with your positive case, i firmly believe that concise building instructions should be pushed into the faces of everyone who downloads torque.

Another alternative if this is really beneficial, is to utilise CI builds, they should be able to automate all cases of exe production so that you have to hand all main alternatives for those people who d not have time and patience to install all of the not included development libraries/SDKs.

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  • 3 weeks later...
While i do to some extent agree with your positive case, i firmly believe that concise building instructions should be pushed into the faces of everyone who downloads torque.


Done! link: Torque3D compile tutorials


Something else to consider is the fact that there are a large number of potential executables that are needed for the many things that need testing.


Done!! link: builds with Bullet or 32b or 64b, empty or full


Another alternative if this is really beneficial, is to utilise CI builds, they should be able to automate all cases of exe production so that you have to hand all main alternatives for those people who d not have time and patience to install all of the not included development libraries/SDKs.



Yes, I know. I already have CI for some time to compile torque3D locally though.... ;) at somepoint would be public.

The good news! I have this builds on github! So please... start using it and any comment is welcome!




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  • 2 weeks later...


Sorry for bumping this thread again! just to remember to you guys, you can download the new released Torque3D v3.9 in different flavors :lol: so START TESTING!!!

Download: https://github.com/John3/Torque3D_Unofficial/releases/tag/v1.0.8


  • T3Dv3.9_Empty_32bit.7z - Empty template


  • T3Dv3.9_FullBullet_32bit.7z - Full template with Bullet physics enable.


  • T3Dv3.9_FullSDL.7z - Full template with SDL library enable for handling input and window.


  • T3Dv3.9_Full_32bit.7z - Full template


  • T3Dv3.9_Full_x64.7z - Full template winx64


NOTE: All have enable DirectX 9.0, DirectX 11 and OpenGL.

And the new addiction, you can download the latest engine/script documentation.


  • Torque.3D.v3.9-.Engine.Reference.chm

  • Torque.3D.v3.9-.Script.Manual.chm


any comment are welcome...

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

debian 8.9

error: ./t3d_linux_x64: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found (required by ./t3d_linux_x64)

for run need upgrade system.

current install version:

strings /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 | grep GLIBCXX























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Thank you guys for you feedback.

@damik It seems for jessie use a old library, con you update to stretch?

As workaround maybe you can do this, download this https://packages.debian.org/stretch/libstdc++6 , paste into your t3d folder.

Configure your env like this:




and see if this works for you. In the future I will try to fix the compatibility issue across distros.


.sh? You mean t3d_linux_x64? Can you run from a terminal? like this:




And share the output from the console and attach the console.log.

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Could you please do a weekly build of the t3d v4?


tbh there is most likely not enough changes going in to warrant a weekly update. Most of the 'cool stuff' is likely going to be committed in larger batches which won't happen weekly.

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Thank you guys for you feedback.

@damik It seems for jessie use a old library, con you update to stretch?


i can't do dist upgrade - in my job i need this version of libs.


1. download https://packages.debian.org/stretch/libstdc++6

2. unpack

3. create symlink for unpacked_folder/../usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6

4. copy symlink in same folder with game binary and rename symlink to libstdc++.so.6

5. run game

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i can't do dist upgrade - in my job i need this version of libs.


1. download https://packages.debian.org/stretch/libstdc++6

2. unpack

3. create symlink for unpacked_folder/../usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6

4. copy symlink in same folder with game binary and rename symlink to libstdc++.so.6

5. run game


Oh great that the workaround I told works for you, thank you for share the steps :)


Could you please do a weekly build of the t3d v4?


Is true what tim said, but if you are referring to have always here the last build, yes of course I will have the last build ready, and with your help the linux version too.

Something I wan to mention about the dev builds, maybe sometimes it will have a few commits behind, for two reason

1) maybe don't have the time :D

2) And very important, is tested by me in my game prototype. that's mean if something is broken in my level I will not upload the new build until we have a fix. Maybe is broken functionality or something else. This guaranty some kind of stability.


Sorry, should have mentioned that I'm using Mint 18.3.

Thank you jason, this help me.

So to recaps, the build work in

Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS

Mint 18.3

Debian 8.9 Jessie (with a work around) Using libstdc++6 version from Stretch.

Possible that will work without hassle in Debian 9 Stretch

Solus Linux

The new last build is here: v1.24 Windows at the moment, through couple of hours I will release the Linux version too.


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