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what do these functions?


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what it does? and what is his use? Examples?

- energyPerDamagePoint

- rechargeRate

- speedDamageScale

- observeParameters

- isMoving

Don't exit in the engine? This is used? need a confirmation...

- aiAvoidThis

Was replace with other function? which?

I see this commit f922bc4fd051c94f97ac88d05d2c78e234d3cd03

Date: Friday, 21 September 2012 06:51:53 a.m.

AI related bug fixes and improvements.

Removed references to AIObjective and aiAvoidThis which are not used.

Made minor improvements to the spawning system in the aiPlayer.cs file.

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energyPerDamagePoint - defined. not used, can probably be ripped out

rechargeRate - https://github.com/GarageGames/Torque3D/blob/6f672fe21da5283486d5adc1cd61365538824792/Engine/source/T3D/shapeBase.cpp#L1217 (energy value regeneration over time)

speedDamageScale - https://github.com/GarageGames/Torque3D/blob/7bba3ee2de610c2757bc70eba10db869bab72a85/Templates/Full/game/scripts/server/player.cs#L193(damage multiplier)

observeParameters - nothin in-engine, can prolly be ripped out

isMoving - not even finding that one on a github search

aiAvoidThis - not present in-engine

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