irei1as Posted July 11, 2016 Share Posted July 11, 2016 To use this you need this c++ code addition (it's already merged with the current development branch):'m using the "Full Template" with this example.This example is for directX as I don't know much glsl, sorry.Create the file "mapFunctions.cs" with this content: //Post effect functionality singleton ShaderData( mapshader ) { DXVertexShaderFile = "./mapV.hlsl"; DXPixelShaderFile = "./mapP.hlsl"; //if you have the glsl code //OGLVertexShaderFile = "./mapV.glsl"; // OGLPixelShaderFile = "./mapP.glsl"; samplerNames[0] = "$map"; samplerNames[1] = "$mask"; pixVersion = 2.0; }; singleton GFXStateBlockData( mapstateblock ) { samplersDefined = true; samplerStates[0] = SamplerClampLinear; samplerStates[1] = SamplerClampLinear; }; singleton PostEffect( MapTest ) { isEnabled = false; shader = mapshader; stateBlock = mapstateblock; texture[0] = "./map"; texture[1] = "./mask"; target = "#maptexture"; }; function MapTest::preProcess(%this) { //here we can change the textures if needed of the map and the mask //switch($differentmaps) //{ // case 0: // %this.setTexture(0, "./map"); // case 1: // %this.setTexture(0, "./map1"); // case 2: // %this.setTexture(0, "./map2"); //} //switch($differentmasks) {...} //use %this.setTexture(1, "./mask#") instead } function getRotationAngleForMap() { //returns point2f the cosine and sine of the angle of rotation, 0º is up=north, 90º means up=east %eyevector=LocalClientConnection.player.getEyeVector(); %angle=mAtan(%eyevector.x,%eyevector.y); return mCos(%angle) SPC mSin(%angle); } function getMapCenter() { %pos=LocalClientConnection.player.getPosition(); return %pos.x SPC %pos.y; } function getMapCorners() { //returns point4f the position of the top-left and bottom-right in torque units of the map //(x,y) is the x and y position of the top left and (z,w) are the x and y position of the bottom right //switch($differentmaps) //{ // case 0: // return "0 20 20 0"; // case 1: // return "40 620 220 500"; // case 2: // return "33.12 68.2 87.15 17.9"; // //etc //} //example return "-6 15 71 -52"; } function getMapSizes() { //returns point2f the range in torque units (x,y) that is showed in the gui //switch($differentmaps) //{ // case 0: // return "10 10"; // case 1: // return "30 45"; // case 2: // return "8 18"; // //etc //} //example return "20 10"; } function MapTest::setShaderConsts(%this) { %this.setShaderConst( "$cossin", getRotationAngleForMap() ); %this.setShaderConst( "$centerpos", getMapCenter() ); %this.setShaderConst( "$mapcorners", getMapCorners() ); %this.setShaderConst( "$guisizes", getMapSizes() ); } //Functions to display the map function enableMapDisplay() { if(!isObject(MissionCleanup)) { echo("No MissionCleanup detected. You need to start a level."); return; } if(isObject(MapDisplayCleaner)) return; //already enabled MapTest.enable(); %scriptObject = new ScriptObject(MapDisplayCleaner){ }; MissionCleanup.add(%scriptObject); %guidisplay = new GuiBitmapCtrl(MapDisplayBitmap) { wrap = "0"; position = "490 22"; extent = "130 130"; horizSizing = "right"; vertSizing = "bottom"; visible = "1"; }; %playguiProbably = Canvas.getContent(); %playguiProbably.add(%guidisplay); %scriptticker = new ScriptTickObject(MapDisplayUpdater){ callOnAdvanceTime=1; }; MissionCleanup.add(%scriptticker); } function disableMapDisplay() { MapTest.disable(); MapDisplayCleaner.delete(); mapDisplayUpdater.delete(); } function MapDisplayUpdater::onAdvanceTime(%this,%delta) { MapDisplayBitmap.setNamedTexture("maptexture"); } function MapDisplayCleaner::onRemove(%this) { MapDisplayBitmap.delete(); MapTest.disable(); } Remember you need to "exec" that file somewhere.Now to the same folder add these files:-First make "mapV.hlsl" (note: ANSI file) struct VertToPix { float4 hpos : POSITION; float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; }; VertToPix main( VertToPix In ) { VertToPix Out = In; return Out; } -Second create "mapP.hlsl" (note: ANSI file) uniform sampler2D map : register(S0); uniform sampler2D mask : register(S1); uniform float2 cossin; uniform float2 centerpos; uniform float4 mapcorners; uniform float2 guisizes; float4 main( float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0 ) :COLOR { float2x2 baserot = float2x2(cossin.x,-cossin.y,cossin.y,cossin.x); float2 rotmap; float2 delta = float2((mapcorners.z-mapcorners.x),(mapcorners.w-mapcorners.y)); rotmap = (centerpos-mapcorners.xy)/delta + mul(baserot,(texcoord-0.5)*guisizes/float2(delta.x,-delta.y)); float4 color1 = tex2D(map, rotmap); color1.a=(tex2D(mask, texcoord)).a; return color1; } -Then download this image and rename it "map.png" rename to "mask.png" this one:, in the same folder you have mapFunctions.cs, mapV.hlsl, mapP.hlsl, map.png and mask.png.)Now run the game, start a level and use in the console:enableMapDisplay(); LocalClientConnection.player.setPosition("13 -5 250");Now walk around to see the map move with you. comments in the script should give you hints on how to change the values for your needs.Some notes:The images should be png format.The map will display better if all the outer ring of pixels is a constant colour (transparent works, too).For the mask, opaque pixels display image.Here you have the five files of the example in a zip: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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